+19 You've had a good laugh out of watching a silent movie or old western film at least ONCE in your lifetime, because they're just that hilarious. Amirite?

by Anonymous 8 years ago

http://media.giphy.com/media/FjQXFr65wg9RC/giphy.gif http://media.giphy.com/media/MVCnSDRaibCJW/giphy.gif http://38.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m9gawdPpRb1rdq2opo1_500.gif http://i2.wp.com/moviessilently.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/show-people-1928-marion-davies-william-haines-king-vidor-silent-movie-hit-with-tiny-umbrella1.gif http://iruntheinternet.com/lulzdump/images/gifs/western-film-original-gangnam-dance-13520433947.gif Lol...I love old fashioned comedy.

by Anonymous 9 years ago

I love the old silent movies. Without talking, they certainly get the point across :)

by Anonymous 9 years ago


by Anonymous 9 years ago


by Anonymous 9 years ago

They played from open to close at Shakey's Pizza Parlor in California on the big screen when I was growing up. I think part of it was a distraction tactic implemented in the hope that the patron wouldn't really notice how shitty the pizza itself actually was. http://data.amirite.net/user_images/55cba122a1e03.jpg

by Anonymous 9 years ago

They are always fun to watch, so far my favorite silent movie is Metropolis

by Anonymous 9 years ago

when i was a kid i remember seeing them on late night tv

by Anonymous 9 years ago

Some them are pretty funny.

by Anonymous 9 years ago