-30 People who say chicken needs to be washed have no brain cells, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 week ago

I have never washed chicken before cooking it. I gave never got ill after eating aforementioned chicken. I am not an exceptionally talented chef either. So I'm sticking with no washing 🤷‍♂️

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Idk maybe it's an American thing

by Anonymous 1 week ago

People who say chicken who doesn't need to wash haven't bought a raw chicken from a wet market that exposed with dust and dirt. You know, not every place store chicken with the equipments you see. For example dirt won't be able to cook away. Or do you want a mouthful of sandy texture? Another reason is that you are most likely skipping the organs. When they wash the chickens, what they actually washing is the slime with those chicken liver, chicken heart, etc. Those slime would give unwanted flavor. This is why different country/culture have their own practice of wash or not washing their chicken before cooking.

by Wolfcecile 1 week ago

I've never heard of washing chicken first, so Team No Wash here too.

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Chicken are covered in bacteria due to being co close to their faeces covered ground. Mmm, faeces smeared animal carcasses!

by Anonymous 1 week ago

Technically you don't have to wash it. I think people mean "rinse it" not wash it. I personally soak it in bowl of salt water. Not so much about the "bacteria" but more so because I know what it's gone through to get processed and packaged and it just creeps me out.

by Angus93 1 week ago