+545 A mothers job: cook, house keeper, teacher, nurse, handyman, maid, security, coordinator,supervisor, manager, secretary, nutritionist, caretaker, personal assistant, life coach, bookkeeper, laundry maid, taxi driver, and a motivational speaker. They dont get holiday pay, sick pay, or days off and they're on call 24 hours a day 7 days a week. There's probably no harder job than being a mom. amir... amirite?

by Anonymous 14 years ago

What about soildiers fighting in the war? I'm sure their job is harder.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

no it's not, they just follow orders and do one thing.

by Anonymous 12 years ago

Being a mother isn't a JOB. definitely hope your children don't hear you speak like that!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

im not a mother. im just appreciating all the love and care my mother has provided me with.. kay.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

single father of five. Beat that.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

mom youre drunk again! get off the damn internet!

by Anonymous 14 years ago

You guys are mean, it's true! And no, I'm not a mother.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

Studies have shown that if mothers was paid regularly as a job in modern society for all the work that they do, they would be making about $250,000 a year. So yeah it could be a job

by Anonymous 14 years ago

But its not like they do all that on a regular bases, and they surly don't do it as much as people that do that stuff for a living.

by Anonymous 14 years ago

yes we do do ALL that on a regular basis and more

by Anonymous 12 years ago

you can tell witch comments on here are from men.. an from people who dont have kids and a house to run.

by Anonymous 13 years ago

Umm this is SO true. The negative comments are from the ppl who clearly have NO experience in this department!

by Anonymous 12 years ago

A Mothers job never ends, it starts when you know your pregnant but does not stop even when your kids leave home your still a Mum u still help out rush over when there is a problem, pray they will be safe its a life time commitment

by Anonymous 12 years ago