+48 Selling old photographs of people at antique stores is very unethical. amirite?

by arodriguez 4 months ago

Sell my photos or wipe your ass with them I don't and won't care.

by WorriedCake 4 months ago

If a 100 years from my pictures are in a antique store I don't really care.

by Gialangosh 4 months ago

OP just doesn't get it. Those old vintage picture are captured moments in time that can't be recreated. It's not like you are selling nudes of your great great grandpa. You are selling an authentic glimpse into the past.

by stewart49 4 months ago

If they were that important to the family, they wouldn't be in an antique store, bro.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Unfortunately many family members do not care. They have no interest in the path. I guess a hundred years from now I would rather grace someone's den than the garbage can.

by CapSimple9459 4 months ago

They're dead, though.

by Outrageous_Elk_6581 4 months ago

they're dead who cares also it'd be one thing if the photos of them were embarrassing or something but if they're just regular and great photos that they wouldve probably wanted people to see anyway then it's no big deal. ever heard of instagram?

by Kaycee27 4 months ago

Then do it. Start the non-profit, find funding and start buying these pictures and finding these families. Complaining about it online helps no one. These pictures are either gonna got bought or get trashed. DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

by Anonymous 4 months ago