+31 Drake v Kendrick is marketing scam, amirite?

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Do you think Drake benefits greatly from people thinking he is a pedophile? What about his security guard that got shot, do you think they would share your opinion?

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago

Surprisingly, not one person I know has truly been like "woah Drake is a huge no now". Looks like people understand proof is needed and it's a reminder that unless the person is right in front of u, guess most won't truly care.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Sounds like you hang around reasonable people, but again, his security guard got shot. Let's see how his Oakland show goes.

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago

It's not a marketing scam though, any more than all marketing is a scam. It's not the first online social phenomenon to gain momentum, and it certainly won't be the last.

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago

So it's not a scam even though all marketing is a scam? Huh, that's my point "artists" have cult following that they can rely on to pump their crap and make money off of while being completely full of crap.

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

All marketing is a scam. That's my point. Thanks

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Pretty sure you don't want to market yourself by having someone call you a pedophile.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

And yet here we are taking about it for days on end.

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Talking about Drake being called a pedophile for days on end, does not benefit Drake in anyway

by Anonymous 4 months ago

And yet he is getting tons of plays by his dumb followers who think he can do no wrong. He's making money out of this regardless of how many bad things he does. P

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Ok so if his die hard followers who will listen to him no matter what he does are the ones listening to his song, how does he benefit from being called a pedophile vs releasing a normal song that doesn't cause a beef that those same followers would listen to on repeat anyway?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Why are you so upset people are disagreeing with your out of touch opinion?

by susiestreich 4 months ago

Haha what!? I'm upset because how stupid it makes society look

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

If anyone is stupid here it's the person who thinks throwing out pedophilia claims is in the name of "marketing" but go on

by susiestreich 4 months ago

That's not my point. My point is proved by you in replying to me and getting worked up over it.

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Violence doesn't result in change and i think Kendrick knows that. You have one of the highest selling artists of all time being exposed for things kendrick has been speaking against in his albums from the very beginning. Killing drake doesn't aid the issue, you have to humiliate this behavior if you want to incite change.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I think this is a bit naive. Kendrick has happily platformed actual child abusers in the past

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago

Lul, of course it is, do people genuinely think otherwise?

by OpportunityBest 4 months ago

I'm not going to. I'm not American. I listen to rap music but don't follow any of it. The whole concept of "beefs" is either alien or childish in Europe, so the only thing I know is that out of a sudden people talk about kendrick and drake.

by OpportunityBest 4 months ago

I dont know what being American has to do with this but ok.

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Surely being American makes you more knowledgeable and culturally more aware about American rap music than being a random European guy watching this from the sidelines, no?

by OpportunityBest 4 months ago

No not really. Not all Americans, North or south participate in this fake crap. That's my gripe.

by Inner_Weakness 4 months ago

Remember, everything must be a conspiracy

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago


by OpportunityBest 4 months ago

What's your actual take - do you think that they are not genuinely out to damage each other?

by OrchidVivid6545 4 months ago