+37 The Sopranos was just OK, amirite?

by ywisoky 4 months ago

Get OP a veal parmigiana sandwich.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm guessing you were not of age when it came out. You have to think of it like Pulp Fiction, citizen Kane, twin peaks, etc. Looking in retrospect it may not seem amazing, but at the time there was nothing like it. It truly revolutionized television. It paved the way for The Wire, breaking bad, or any other bad guy drama

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Not just that, but the entire format of long-form episodic cinema-quality drama. It's one of the most influential pieces of media ever made.

by ImpressiveChange5688 4 months ago

Some people are so far behind they actually think they are leading.

by Special_Abrocoma_214 4 months ago

Yeah how bout you leave the gabagool and get out.

by Lemkealexis 4 months ago

My film professor told me to watch it for the scene where Packino fires the gun and says "say hello to my little freen!" I watched the whole series. Packino never shows up. That apparently happens in a movie called Scarface and he says friend, not freen. I could use those hours of my life back.

by AccomplishedClass 4 months ago

I totally disagree that it's just ok; it extremely good. That said, I think it doesn't have the coherence of Breaking Bad and The Wire (which IS the best television show in the history of the medium).

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Dude, it's such a meh show to me

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Second watch though? You get the hype!

by havenlynch 4 months ago

That Mona Lisa. Small. Bad lighting.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I mean a huge part of it is when it came out. At that time we didn't have many shows like that.

by Hegmannvicente 4 months ago

On my 7th watch through at the moment and everytime it gets better and better

by Western-Ad8604 4 months ago

I guess I just can't imagine valuing my time so little. That's so many hours...

by PreviousTruck850 4 months ago

And OP's opinion is just mid.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Have tried 3 times to get through season one of the Sopranos and definitely don't get the appeal. Feels cheaply made (which to be fair could just be shoddy 90s film quality, poor aesthetic choices and bad lighting) and without any characters whose arc you'd want to follow.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm glad that I'm not the only one who thinks this

by Downtown_Proposal 4 months ago

Unrealistic? I hate to brake this to you its fictional along with every other drama. If i want realistic violence i will start an argument with my neighbor.

by Anonymous 4 months ago