+49 Portal Girl did nothing wrong. amirite?

by Hartmanndarren 4 months ago

Nah, if that was normal and accepted behaviour, the girl wouldn't have done it

by Anonymous 4 months ago

she did it for her only fans, that wrong in itself

by gutmannkrystel 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

But shouldn't be expected.

by Hartmanndarren 4 months ago

I think you mean shouldn't be okay, cause it most definitely should be expected in our culture considering the difference in how the female body is views vs the male body.

by Rico78 4 months ago

Hasn't someone flashed their Willy? Where's the outrage for that?

by brennaheathcote 4 months ago

I had not heard of that but if that happened then yeah that's not cool. I'm not really out here trying to pick at what everyone has done. Just the backlash over this one event.

by Hartmanndarren 4 months ago

All they had to do was see what happened with Shia's "exhibit" and this would have never been put up in the first place.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I literally dont care why she did it. Closing the portal just cause of some tiddies is just uncalled for.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yes. The company should have put it in a private location open to the public. Like a mall or something where they have clothing policy and the ability to ban people.

by Hartmanndarren 4 months ago