+23 American Dad is a better show than Family Guy. amirite?

by Visible_Elevator_800 4 months ago

Dope and Faith?

by Unable_Cat 4 months ago

I kinda agree. I feel like Family Guy grew kinda stale (and overly mean spirited) as it went, while American Dad basically just went balls to the wall bizarre more and more as the years passed, and that was to it's benefit. It started out as just being a Bush-era satire which was hit or miss, but when it moved on from that and just started doing it's own weird thing, I think it really found its legs.

by Puzzled-Warthog 4 months ago

That's probably because Seth Macfarlane hasn't written a family guy episode in over a decade

by Amazing_Tonight_2106 4 months ago

Currently, yes, but I think peak Family Guy is better than peak American Dad.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

hellllll naaaah

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ok, Reggie.

by Visible_Elevator_800 4 months ago

ok meg

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The best episodes of family guy are better then any American dad episode but American dad has more good episodes. So overall American dad is a better show.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Family Guy was better before it relied on cheap cutaways but American Dad was definitely better for longer

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Family guy has gotten stale but I never found American dad at all watchable especially Roger.

by oshanahan 4 months ago