+38 College is not "the best years of your life", amirite?

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

OP doesn't understand that college is fun for most people, because most people are not in engineering or medical schools, which are insanely hard and really do take tremendous amount of time to finish. Weekly multi page assignment for most courses, labs, lectures that are essentially mandatory (or you won't ever understand the complex concepts that those universities teach you). Put cleaning your house and making food in the equation and I can't imagine anyone who tries to finish their degree would have time for daily fun. Some degrees are fun in college, others are hell and extremely hard.

by Maximum_Falcon 4 months ago

Im not saying that everyone's college experience is the same as mine. It might've been great. I'm just saying that old people telling you that it's gonna be the "best years of your life" is a lie cause life has so much more to offer when you're done. The financial stability and freedom offers so much more than broke and drunk partying. I'm also not saying it's not worth it, (it will also give me and many others great job opportunities) just that it's not the "best years of my entire life"

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

It was the best year of mine tbh (I'm doing grad school) because college is when you're discovering who you are, who are the long lasting friendships and you are young and have more free time and less responsibilities and can have fun while finding yourself. That's mainly why. But I agree that the American way of doing college of excessively getting drunk is lame tbh

by Felicityschambe 4 months ago

College is the same as grad school here it just depends on your course. I'm doing two bachelors at the same time so I've got no free time during college and plenty of responsibilities as I'm pretty much on my own and have been since I was 19. Glad to hear you enjoyed college tho :)

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

College wasn't awful but it would be sad if my life peaked in college.

by Chrisnolan 4 months ago

It doesn't at all mean that if you had a wonderful time in college that your adult life must suck. Many people have awesome college experiences and go on to live very fulfilling lives, and no one would say that they peaked in college just because they had a great time then. It only really refers to the people that are well past college aged but are still trying to relive trying to relive their time in college. There are soooo many people that are middle aged but still trying to relive the college days because it was the "best time of their lives". If you consider college to be the best time of your life and are stuck trying to relive it, then you certainly peaked in college.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Imagine going to parties in college

by theron87 4 months ago

Imagine? Who didn't party in college? Oh wait…. I guess I never met them huh

by Boyerrose 4 months ago

Bro.. im American. So it was def low stakes adulthood for me and my peers, it wasnt that hard to party and do well in school. Your body can for real take a beating at that age Grad school was way harder, most people who went to grad school get this

by Boyerrose 4 months ago

I'm not sure what your point is, I'm also American currently in grad school. Sucks taking classes while working but I also don't envy my undergrad days.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

What's your dream job

by Ok_Effective 4 months ago

Yup second this

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

What's the difference between grad school and college? Sorry i think it's different here

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Wasnt for me. Grad school was alot less stressful and alot less busywork than undergrad

by marjorie90 4 months ago

Oh interesting, can I ask your major?

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Its ok to have different experiences. But grad school had higher stakes by 10 fold

by Boyerrose 4 months ago

Here college is the highest form of education you can get? It's like university? Are you referring to like the courses they offer within that ?

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Do you not have doctorates or masters degrees?

by hansensunny 4 months ago

College/ university is not the highest in the US. That gets you a bachelors degree. Higher degrees require graduate education if you want to go further in your field of study. Masters, Phd, medical, law etc

by Boyerrose 4 months ago

Ah ok yes we do but it's done at the same college. That's why I was asking. Yeah absolutely understandable how those degrees would be way more stressful hands down to the people that can do them cause once I'm done these two bachelors I think I'm good lol

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

The American version is a little coocoo bananas. Plus side is very broad wide range of knowledge. Down side is so much time in school and expensive AF!

by Boyerrose 4 months ago

Yeah I think there for sure is a difference between countries aswell lol. I'm from Ireland so we don't have the frat parties or sororities or anything like that

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

This is what I'm trying to say thank you 😊🙏

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Yeah that's what it feels like. Like rose tinted glasses… I had them over secondary school for a while too. Don't get the partying drugs and hookups obsession thing tho. Like I'd take jacuzzi and barbecue and flying a helicopter and going to Disneyland over that every single time… 😂

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I'd take being rich for the rest of my life for the price of never partying, doing drugs and random hook-ups There is so many fun stuff you can do with money that doesn't involve these 3 things(also I don't mean not having any partners for the rest of my life, just stuff like one night stands)

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Completely agree and would do the exact same. I've never done the hookups thing. I tried but couldn't get further than a kiss. It felt disgusting, and made me feel lonely. Soooo not worth it

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

And also I agree on your take about having your own adult money and an overall stable income. I would never trade that for a party with 19 year olds LMFAO

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Exactly! The independence and freedom financial stability brings is something I'd never give up haha. Plus being able to afford the experiences that I've always wanted feels amazing. I bought a jacuzzi last year, And did my last college assignment while sitting in it in the sun. There's nothing better.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I'm convinced that middle class and upper class old(30 and 40 are not that old but ykwim) fellas only want to go back because they're bored of their current lifes. And they're bored because they lack creativity of what to do with the money, themselves and their time after work. Seriously, to all the "college is the best years of your life" people out there: go and spend that adult money on something fun, or hell you can go to a rave/party in your 30's/40's too. College isn't the only time to do that.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah I absolutely agree with that. There's an elderly couple I served at the restaurant I worked at who'd be in every week and honestly they were living their best lives even then, going on cruises and travelling. Like life so short and has sooo much to offer

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Yeah like I'm not saying it can't be fun for some people but "the best years of your life" is a bit of a huh? For me

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You're not alone haha

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Ah yeah I'd get it if it was like your sisters experience! That sounds so fun. Congrats on the house btw that's some hard stuff. But yeah everyone I know has college 5 days a week 9 to 4.30pm with like an hour break in between and constant assignments and they work too. So that's probs why I don't see it that way. We also don't have fraternities or anything like that where I live.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

where do you go?

by lefflerdelfina 4 months ago

An Art college in Dublin

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I had a good time in college for lots of it. But damn if I peaked there then God have mercy on the rest of my life. I will peak, once I dominate most of the world and set up for the successors to my empire to finish my work of dominating the world under my banner.

by Desperate_Aside 4 months ago

I'm not judging at all, but the people I know from those years who say they were the "best times" and really seem to mean it (I'm 28 now btw) often haven't really moved on. Like, sure some of them are successful, but they're still kind of raging on the same way they were 10 years ago. More power to ‘em and maybe they've found the key to what makes them happy, but the experience I had, limited as it was as someone who is kind of an introvert, was enough. Not for me 😬 maybe it was never for me and I was just there tbh

by Anonymous 4 months ago


by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I'm sorry it's been so tough on you! Like any other thing, college can turn into a nightmarish experience if you're unlucky. It can be amazing, though. I loved my time there and honestly miss it a lot. It also appeals to a particular kind of person, I imagine? Despite all its faults, I think I'd be happier in academia, so it makes me especially nostalgic for college.

by ehauck 4 months ago

Im glad you had a lovely experience. Completely get what u mean by it might appeal to a particular kind of person and i understand the nostalgia even tho I didn't enjoy school I miss secondary sometimes. Not cause it's better but cause of how innocent I was maybe haha

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Thank you! Yeah, I totally get where you're coming from. I think what they're trying to say is it kind of the last time in your life that you have a good amount of free time. obviously this depends on how demanding your major is and how quickly you can retain information, but a lot of students only spend around 15–20 hours a week in class. Obviously you have homework which takes time outside of class but once you get into the workforce, you're probably working AT LEAST 40 hours a week, plus any work you take home

by Garryschultz 4 months ago

Yeah I actually completely get that. I do two bachelors at the same time to get me my teaching degree 2 years faster so I'm in college wayyy more than 15-20 hrs a week. Pfft I wish. 9.30am to 4.30 pm mon to Friday. Once I'm done college I get sooooo much free time actually working so that's another reason why I'm like ?? What best years of my life they're only coming once I'm done

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

That's very understandable. I'm actually starting to be a teacher now as well! Like I said, some people have good experiences and some have bad, but I definitely understand your frustration with older people assuming that everyone is going to have a good experience. What do you want to teach?

by Garryschultz 4 months ago

Your welcome! And that's great! Since you are taking two bachelors I'm assuming you're double majoring in education and art?

by Garryschultz 4 months ago

Yep. It's 4 years instead of the 6 if I do it separately

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Ok.I'm doing an associates in education and I want to teach PE so all of my electives are health related courses.

by Garryschultz 4 months ago

Oh that's cool! You'll be the fun teacher haha

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

College was awesome for me I would kill for exam stress compared to my job stress

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I think that depends on the job tho. Like for me I'll have so much paid time off it's crazy. But I'm not trying to say everyone's college experience is bad just that it's not the "best years of your life". Like you're broke and can't do half the things you wanna do.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Love this 😊

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Yes! I enjoyed mine, but not as much as I should have due to poor time management and always worrying about finding romance. So, typical 20- year old. I did much better ever a few years later when I had a steady job and at least a little more confudence.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah I'd say that's another thing with more life experiences comes more confidence and with more financial stability comes more freedom

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You must be doing a hard major. I remember at my uni, the architecture and CS majors were MISERABLE because they were such hard degrees with notoriously difficult professors. We'd barely see them outside of their schools.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Career jobs have more stress than college ever did

by marjorie90 4 months ago

Depends on the job

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Totally get that

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I would hope it wasn't the best years of my life. Since I never went to college.

by Laron54 4 months ago

😂 love this

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I still occasionally wake up from nightmares in the middle of the night thinking I have an essay due the next day... I graduated like 5 years ago.

by goldnercleta 4 months ago

Where are the people who never peaked and enjoyed each era of their lives?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Oooo I like this take ! Gonna adopt this mindset lol

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Things that made it unlike any other time. You get to learn actual fun things and enjoy what you learn by experts on the information. Grades didn't matter because for most they will be the last ones you need to get. No job cares about your gpa or where you went unless it's Ivy. You stressed yourself out for nothing. An overnighter once in a while? Boohoo. You get to practice using your brain and grow! Everyone is in the same boat as you defining yourself as an individual. Friends are extremely easy to come by, making them without even trying. Though poor, dating was low stress because of it. You just "hung out." Was the last time in life everything was low stress. Those do equate to an absolutely amazing time in at least my life. Everything was so optimistic and simple. My job was to mature. What a privilege! That'll lead to some nostalgia. Real stress? Try kids, marriage and affording life while trying to keep a balance in a world that is ever harder to afford. So yeah. In summary, the independence and the freedom to fly with a safety net without the responsibility or stress of life. Damn good years.

by Remarkable-Web 4 months ago

Not even unpopular honestly. The people who say that are lying or are in easy majors. Although I love math, all the other classes you have to take are boring and too much work. Honestly, I miss high school, college is depressing.

by iwaters 4 months ago

Oof I'm so sorry. That's extremely tough especially with the rising costs

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Fair enough and I get that lol

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Maybe it just sucked for you?

by laurie67 4 months ago

Here's what everybody will agree on : everybody's best years will be different, based on their circumstances in life. Mine for damn sure weren't college related. But that's me. If I had different circumstances, maybe they would have been. And I'm still young. Hopefully if you're still young, your best years are still ahead. We have to keep hoping ! I couldn't hack it in college. But at least I tried. I completed an alternative educational program. That hasn't really led me to much.... but the big thing is we're still here hoping that the best is yet to come. Big pockets, big money, good health and just 1 or 2 friends . Imagine partying and drinking while stressing out about a math exam ! Lord Jesus. For all yall that actually did manage college or university, thank you. I know we need to go to outer space someday. Some of us are just trying to freaking live

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Best response 👏😂

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

it is if u drink and fk girls every weekend

by Zrath 4 months ago

Honestly can't see how that's fun. Leaves me feeling worthless, and alone and depressed after lol. Not my thing.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You're never less alone than when you're in college. That's why people like it

by hansensunny 4 months ago

I disagree. My college walls are grafittied to hell with people being lonely and feeling out of place. I think that depends on the person. I have friends but I didn't make a single one of them in college

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Tf kinda college were you at? Everyone there feels out of place? The hell? College is where most people meet a ton of friends.

by hansensunny 4 months ago

Lol not everyone. I can't speak for everyone. I just see the grafitti of people asking for friends and if anyone else is as lonely as they are.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Maybe your major was bad

by Accomplished-Cry8006 4 months ago

Possibly haha. Two bachelors so that probs doesn't help. Statistically half my year should drop out by 2nd year

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

ER physicians and nurses would like to have a word with you.

by denarempel 4 months ago

Im just saying that college is not the "best years of your life" not that everyone's college experience is the same as mine. Just that life has much more to offer than what's offered to you when your broke and just figuring out life in college

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

I was more responding to the bit about stress compared to all jobs out there.

by denarempel 4 months ago

That depends on the job sure er physicians are absolutely probably more stressed than a college student. For me however I am gonna have entire summers and holidays off so I can't wait for life after college haha

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

College was the best compared to other school years. High school was the worst. Actually, I never went to college, I'm counting it the same as University. At least in my classes, it was people who wanted to be there (because we were all paying to be there).

by Anonymous 4 months ago

College is generally the first foray into some responsibility and development as a person to presumably prepare you for the workforce. It like life is what you make of it.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

College is the best years of my life because I was young and healthy and full of dreams. Now I'm old and overweight and the realization of will never become the person I wanted to be starting to sink in

by Beneficial_Cloud9060 4 months ago

Agreed! Was different once upon a time for the generation that received free education, room and food while at university, so plenty of time to hang out and focus on learning and socialising - now people have to work so hard to afford to live and study.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Best time of my life. Even got a scholarship. The university was free, and that money paid for my dorm, food etc. Hell i even bought a gaming pc and saved up about 2000 euros when i finished. Life after not as good. Work is draining, free time is sparse, everyone is busy.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I dont think you get to decide the best years of anyones life besides your own.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You being on unpopular opinion doesn't invalidate what I just said. And you don't get to speak for other people's best years of their life because your college years sucked.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Im not? I'm just saying I think that the stereotype is exactly that, a stereotype. Cause from the majority of people I've heard (all in fact) even if they enjoyed college they wouldn't say it's "the best years of their life"

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Engineering student? Lol.

by BullfrogGlittering72 4 months ago

Art and education. 2 bachelors.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

So I guess it is only the business majors that get to have fun

by BullfrogGlittering72 4 months ago

Maybe 😂

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

The constant stress of exams and work is much more than I'd ever do at a job. Lol.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah university was basically a vacation compared to my job now. I had so much free time. Even when I loaded up with extracurriculars it was still chill Only problem was I was broke. If I could have my current income but a uni level workload that would a be a dream life

by Alarmed_Scratch6639 4 months ago

It is. I've been on teaching placement ( the job I will be doing) and I've been working since I was 12 and moved out at 19 and I'm currently 23. Life has its ups and downs but has never been as stressful or as 24/7 as college is imo

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

33 yo with a kid and a full time job Again, lol. Give me that college "stress".

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Okay ? I would take that in a heartbeat over college. Plus my full time is gonna be like 3 days a week lol with my job and all summers and holidays off. Like I get what ur trying to do here but I think it's different depending on peoples experience. My college stress is 2-3 assignments every 3 weeks, while part time working, or recovering from a motorbike accident like I've been recently. It's not just exams at the end of the semester. And my college is 9am to 4.30pm 5 days a week. It's not even close to what my working life will be like as an art teacher. And as a woman I decided on this job so I can BE with my future kids. So. Yeah I'd take 30 with a full time jobs and kids over college anyday

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Idk. College was fairly easy. Had no care in the world. Did whatever i wanted. Hardly ever studied. Barely went to class. Passed every class. Got my business degree. Did a lot of drugs. Made a lot of friends. Had a blast.

by rodriguezjaeden 4 months ago

Hahah of course the business ppl always seem to have the most fun. I'm glad you had a blast.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

It didn't suck for me. Do you guys even prepare for exams and assignments?

by Eichmanntriston 4 months ago

hahaha, I'm a bad procrastinator. My default thinking is, "why worry about that stuff now?" I hate stressing, and that's usually enough of a motivator to get work done with so I'm not freaking out at the last minute.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

For tests 100% I prepared. For assignments, it depends on how difficult it was. I wanted to keep grad school open as an option, so I tried.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

That was what made it suck...

by Adamsmarcellus 4 months ago

Grad school is the best years of your life.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

How? I took a year break and that was the best year of my life. I had money, actually got to see my friends, bought a jacuzzi, travelled, took dancing lessons, got a motorbike, all while saving money?

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You have the most free time and you live with all of your friends in a walkable community. Of course people like it.

by hansensunny 4 months ago

Eh no. That depends. I don't live on campus, some colleges don't offer that. A lot of people in my course live an hour away from college at home or in digs or renting. In some other courses I know that's a thing and honestly would absolutely love that experience but alas it's not in the cards for everyone. Free time tho? No not in the least. Most people need at least a part time job to pay for the ridiculous rent prices and cost of living currently. If you don't you're lucky but in my course you're in college from 9am to 4.30pm Mon to Friday with like a one hour break in the day

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Okay well clearly you can recognize that your college experience was extremely weird and not at all standard

by hansensunny 4 months ago

What will be better when they graduate? Less free time, more time stuck in an office, less time to see their friends…?

by hansensunny 4 months ago

More free time? I get all summer and every holiday paid off. More money ? To go on adventures with and travel and buy motorbikes and cars and jacuzzis etc. it depends on the job but me as a teacher can't f-img wait for that life

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You get summer and holidays off in college too…? And if you're a teacher without a second job you will definitely not have more money…

by hansensunny 4 months ago

I will absolutely have more money than I do now working as a waitress. I will quite literally triple my current salary at the very least and by the end of my career I'll be make 70k ish a year. That's plenty for me. I'm good with money. And yeah sure I do… but I have assignments to do over those holidays and when I'm back it's hell. I enjoy teaching. Teaching won't be hell.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Your experience with college is extremely unique and dare I say odd. I would not compare it to anyone else

by hansensunny 4 months ago

Ooooo yeaaa I'm gonna have to go ahead and uhhh disagree with you there.

by AdditionalMood 4 months ago

Sure that's your right if you believe your college years were the best of your life.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Don't be salty bruv. You're just jelly.

by AdditionalMood 4 months ago

Im really not I think it's sad actually. Like if you enjoyed college that's great but if you'd consider it the best years out of your entire life I'd say that's a bit problematic. The adventures, or your wedding year or literally anything else other than the drunk partying and hookups most people tend to have would qualify so much higher on my list of best years of my life

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

We'll that's rude. I'm not. I'm just expressing an unpopular opinion.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

While I understand it can be terrible for some, how you can't see that for some it's an amazing party filled free life that people have an amazing time with is beyond me.

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago

Cause 100% of the time all I hear from my peers in college just reflects my own experience. You're broke, stressed and most of the time not partying plus a lot of ppl feel like they've got no real friends… it's written all over my campus

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Im not saying I don't believe anyone can have a good time in college I'm sure some can although I've yet to meet someone my age who believes this. I'm just saying the stereotype of it being the "best years of your life" is kinda ridiculous. And I have friends. Just not in college.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Well it's not 100% if the time. By your own admission others have said otherwise (though you said they were lying). You're actively choosing to only believe one side and assume it actually applies to everybody

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago

No I've only heard it from older people not my peers. It's like this stereotype.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Older people don't count?

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago

I feel like college has changed drastically since then and their experience may be outdated

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Plus I'm not saying it can't be fun for some ppl I just don't understand this stigma of "the best years of your life"

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

It was better than the others. My time was outstanding. Partied 3-4 times a week, lectures were fairly easy. Yes exams were stressful but we're like 1% of the entire thing.

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago

Ah that May be where we differ. My lectures are 5 days a week 9 to 4.30. Plus I have 2-3 assignments due every 3weeks.

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

You just need to understand it can differ and why it can be amazing for some as well as bad for others like yourself. It's certainly not something to not be able to understand

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago

Im not saying it can't be amazing but going as far as to call it the best years Of your entire life over for example the year you got married and traveled to idk Paris is beyond me

by SameSuccotash 4 months ago

Been to Paris, not that great. It's great but not that great. married for me yes. But by that time you're sick in a career and general life and depending on how that is going out might not be that great

by Imaginary_Bid5570 4 months ago