+29 It's not rude to end a party/hangout as the host and more people should start doing it, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Just start yawning and cleaning up, turn the music off.. people usually get the hint

by No_Document 1 month ago

Depends where your from and local customs is the real answer. We have the Midwest goodbye here so usually you yawn, the people leaving slap their knees and go "well" then stand up. Conversation starts again as they are walking out then you've got a good 15-30 minutes of talking at the door before they actually leave. It's cultural and I kind of love it.

by MindlessParsnip 1 month ago

It ain't wasted time if you're chatting with your friends and family. Building community means sometimes not doing exactly what you want all the time

by MindlessParsnip 1 month ago

That's certainly not unpopular where I'm from. Probably is a cultural thing, though.

by Anonymous 1 month ago