-36 I really hate dogs. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Your reasons are very similar to why I hate children

by Extra_Country 1 month ago

I STG dognutters can't resist the urge to talk about how much they hate children.

by Enola99 1 month ago

Damn, I felt that!

by hweissnat 1 month ago

You can like dogs without preferring them as pets. I like dogs, but I greatly prefer to keep cats, fish, mollusks, invertebrates, reptiles… things that go to the bathroom in a box and can survive 24 hours without the outdoors or peeing on the floor. Also I agree that dogs generally smell and being jumped on sucks. But the jumping sucks because it hurts and damages my clothes. But that's because they need regular baths and nail trims and most owners suck, not the dogs. Dogs live to serve us and are motivated by pleasing their master. Cats are self motivated. But yea, this is probably a pretty unpopular opinion.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't hate dogs but I hate that people think it's ok to bring them everywhere like supermarkets.... That's disgusting

by Anonymous 1 month ago

5 years ago I would never have agreed with you but after having kids i hate my dogs

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I have friends who went through this. They have two Siberian huskeys which they treated like their children before they had any. After children, they see the dogs as a nuisance and too much work because of how much energy and attention the kids require.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I dislike dogs. I think they make sense if you live way out in the country, or if you have a warehouse or junkyard to protect, otherwise no.

by feilafton 1 month ago

My three tiny dogs have just asked me to tell you to get stuffed.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Incredibly based Dogs are cool in small doses or when they're working animals, but I can't imagine being around one 24/7.

by Enola99 1 month ago

I'm not religious or anything but i feel like dogs are a gift to humanity and i don't trust people that don't like dogs.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm speaking in generalities so i'm not going to break down every unique situation there may be. In general i stand by what i said.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Okay, but generally speaking, having been attacked by dogs is like, the reason why most people who do not like dogs, do not like dogs.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

"I don't trust people who have different animal preferences than me." Seems legitimate

by Upbeat_Ant 1 month ago

That is correct.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They require a lot of maintenance and can be frustrating at times, but they're great companions. They're very adapted to humans.

by Anonymous 1 month ago