+26 The Prime drink isn't that good, amirite?

by markus78 1 month ago

I straight up refuse to support those brothers, in anything they do. They're an amalgamation of everything awful about the internet.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not an unpopular opinion.

by Gordon01 1 month ago

You keep using past tense, e.g. "was", "would" On July 26, 2024, its not an unpopular opinion. People have woken up to realize it's sugar swill and the Paul's are carnival hucksters.

by Gordon01 1 month ago

Well that's great for them. I am just a teenager expressing how I feel about prime. I just watched a video with people going crazy in a gas station buying some and I felt to share my opinion here.

by markus78 1 month ago

A video doesn't represent how many everyone feels. It's not even that popular of a drink and it's sitting on shelves everywhere just like any other drink

by rueckerkaylin 1 month ago

I too dislike hitler, and think murder is bad.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If it doesn't taste better than Limon Pepino Gatorade, then I don't need to know about it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago