+34 School lunches need to change. amirite?

by Standard-Quote 1 month ago

Unless you're a Republican, this is very popular.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't think this has anything to do with politics, and what side you support. I was simply ranting about how the lunches are nasty and were switched to being quickly prepared over the years.

by Standard-Quote 1 month ago

The federal Department of Education was started during the Carter presidency.

by Jwhite 1 month ago

That's great! The lunches are absolutely awful with no nutritional value. Not nearly enough food to power a teenager through the day! Maybe a young child but the older you get the portions don't even slightly change.

by Standard-Quote 1 month ago

No they don't. Hell, they give adults the same portions.

by Margot46 1 month ago

Does the lunch cost money? If yes, around how much?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes the school lunches do cost money. I think about $5? I am truly not very sure.

by Standard-Quote 1 month ago

It doesnt matter. If its free it should be atleast nutritional for the kids. If its not, it should also be nutritional for the kids.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Kids can bring more if they want, right? At least we could bring food when I was coming up. If I can remember back that far!

by Jwhite 1 month ago