+15 Movies from books are insulting, amirite?

by Particular_News850 1 month ago

No Country for Old Men? Great. Silence of the Lambs? Brilliant. The Green Mile? 10/10 film American Psycho? Fantastic. There are so many good examples, I can keep on going.

by ApprehensiveMode1759 1 month ago

Shawshank redemption!

by Beneficial_Art 1 month ago

One of the best without a doubt!

by ApprehensiveMode1759 1 month ago

Room on the Broom!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Princess Bride

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Gone with the Wind

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World Such an amazing movie and I feel like it has largely been forgotten.

by Equal-Decision 1 month ago

Fight club was awesome too.

by Beneficial-Idea3995 1 month ago

Peter Jackson's adaptation of The Lord of the Rings is some of the best cinema, and a good example of making changes that keep the essence of the books whilst making it work for film. The Hobbit on the other handโ€ฆ yeah stick to the book for that one.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Short stories are appropriate for movies. Novels better for series. Usually. Sometimes the visual media is as good or better

by Beneficial_Art 1 month ago

One Flew Over the Cuckoos Nest didn't adapt well. The Lonesome Dove series was one of the best adaptations. My opinion only.

by alexandra44 1 month ago

Mario Puzo wrote the Godfather book and then the script for the movie. For the movie he had to cut some fat from the book and he was aware of it The Silence of the Lambs movie is very faithful to the book. The one major difference the movie made (for the better in my opinion) is changing the circumstances of Clarice's Father's death, thus changing her motivation to join the FBI. For that I prefer movie, not to mention the performances by Jodi Foster and Sir Anthony Hopkins

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've watched the Harry Potter movies so many times but I've finally decided to hit the books and I didn't realize how much they left out and as much as I still enjoy the movies, man they did a disservice to some of the story! They left some really great parts out and I get why they had to since there's so much book to make a movie, especially when they're already hitting the 2.5hr marks. I'm reading and rewatching as I go lol but them leaving out certain things makes you realize how flat some of the characters are and they tried portraying the characters book feelings without full context, so some scenes kind of don't make sense ๐Ÿ˜… this is like when people say separate the art from the artist lol

by Doylefay 1 month ago

Part of that too is they started the movies before all the books were released, so what was left out of early movies actually became important later

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Can't wait to see more lol, I just finished Goblet of Fire the other day and the movie

by Doylefay 1 month ago

And that one particularly was rough Goblet of Fire is arguably the best book

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Omg, I'm listening to the audiobook and it's so good!

by Doylefay 1 month ago

Clan of the Cave Bear was totally butchered. A 700-page novel crammed into less than 2 hours, when each single chapter could easily be two 30-minute episodes.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Plus, mermaids shouldn't be allowed to play cavewomen. There were plenty of struggling cavewomen in LA who would've done better.

by No_Pen 1 month ago

There are some very quality adaptations that have full support from the author of the book. Some things are going to change because they worked in the book but not on the screen. There are plenty of bad adaptations too and that sucks but it's not taking anything away from the book. I'm sure you like a lot of movies that you don't even know are based on a book or short story.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's always expected that there will be changes, which is why if I'm interested, I'll read the book before watching the movie to see how they decided to adapt it but i will say my biggest pet peeve is when they change too much cuz now it feels like a different story lol

by Doylefay 1 month ago

I like to read the book first too if I can.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Jurassic Park?

by Walker25 1 month ago

That's a movie that is very different from the book but still a great, fun, iconic film that holds up however many years later. It's hardly an insult to the book or author

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The Martian is good. The Road is good. Re invent it as you see fit, as it "should have been", because you are better than the stupid author who should learn how to write from you. You must not pay attention to the waves of people that talk about how movies or books should have ended then.

by stiedemannmanle 1 month ago

The Martian is SO good actually

by ApprehensiveMode1759 1 month ago

Biggest thing they left out was the dust storm slowly making his solar panels less and less efficient, imo

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Yes yes! That was huge and they just left it out.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The Lord of the Rings? Best trilogy of all time

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Ha ha ha. No.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

As much as I'm a massive fan of the LotR movies there were a couple questionable decisions. Like Gimli being a goofy comic relief character

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If author is alive, he likely have rights and he had to sell them, so it was his decision. If he is dead and there are no author rights, who cares?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Having loved the movie I was astoundingly disappointed when I read Last of the Mohicans. Mostly for the ending, as I consider the movie ending one of the best in cinema. The whole section from the Huron village but especially Chingachook's vengeance run.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It is a pretty popular opinion for people to get all upset at a movie not being faithful enough to the book. The unpopular opinion is to not care if the movie is faithful to the book and let it be its own thing.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Everyone knows books made from movies are better

by Realistic-Gas 1 month ago

I called my son Nemo from my favourite book. The novelisation of the movie Finding Nemo.

by Runolfssoncamre 1 month ago

Based American Dad reference. That's exactly what my mind went to right away ๐Ÿ˜‚

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I love the payoff where Jeff realises Nemo backwards is Omen and Stan tries to explain to Jeff that he chose the name.

by Runolfssoncamre 1 month ago

I've heard the book adaptation of Star Wars Episode 3 actually slaps and helps deepen the characters and plot considerably.

by Free_Shake_9010 1 month ago

Check out the differences between Jurassic Park. Read the book first, then watch the movie. Loads of differences between the movie characters and the book characters.

by Antwan05 1 month ago

A more accurate Forest Gump book would've been way more funny.

by mosinski 1 month ago

Insulting? Really clutching our pearls today aren't we?

by schmittcasimir 1 month ago

Oppenheimer is based on a book and a good adaptation imo. Only so much material you can stuff in a movie

by Anonymous 1 month ago

As a wise man once said: Insult is often taken. Not given

by South-Wonder-8829 1 month ago

There are very few movies that stick to the characterization and the over- all feeling a reader gets from the book. Some of the movies are very good if you didn't read the book first.. If an author sells the movie rights to his book, I guess the movie producer has the right to do what he wants with it.

by alexandra44 1 month ago

There are books I will flat out never read but I've watched the movie (e.g. period dramas, Shakespeare). Adaptations get made because the book simply wouldn't work on screen.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Bro does not know the meaning of adaptation

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They are different formats. They work differently.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Im willing to bet 5 out of your 10 favorite movies are adaptations. Its easy to pick on the worst ones but book adaptations are often some of the best movies.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Sometimes character personalities do a 190 turn, 190? So, very gradually heading back to how they are in the book?

by Runolfssoncamre 1 month ago

I'll never forgive Amazon for what they did to The Wheel of Time.

by Helpful_Second_7996 1 month ago

S2 was good!

by Beneficial_Art 1 month ago