+32 The Dark Tower (2017) was a decent film in its own right.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I never wanted to watch it, but I would have compared it to the book too much. I believe the original plan 10+ years ago was a trilogy with a TV ministries to bridge the gap between movies.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I saw half of it because I was rolling my eyes continuously. There was nothing good about this train wreck, thankee sai.

by lehneraurelio 1 month ago

Cheap entertaining popcorn movie, sounds like a bad movie

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I liked it and I like the books too. There is two much material in the books for anything but a series, but for a teaser, was decent. I hoped the film will make more people become interested in the Dark Tower universe and we will get a series based on it but ... yeah.

by Alarmed-Tangerine 1 month ago

It was interesting because there were enough background details and easter eggs around that any book reader would appreciate the little things. but anyone who read the books would also be outraged at the lack of the big things.

by Anonymous 1 month ago