-30 Cold tortillas are better than warm/burnt tortillas, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cold tortillas are fine in a pinch, but warmed ones are lightyears better.

by Aurelia67 1 month ago

It is an acquired taste. Like fine wine…..

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Not really but this is truly an unpopular opinion

by Kaci04 1 month ago

Fine wine isn't an acquired taste — some wine just sucks and people fake their enjoyment of it. Cold ass tortillas are acquired though.

by lyricromaguera 1 month ago

"safer" Lol, omg its sooooo dangerous to warm up tortillas for 30 seconds.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If you mean by microwaving them, that's worse than eating them cold. I live in NM and even young kids here know how to warm tortillas on a gas stove. My kids were doing there own by 5 or 6

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I used to see guys heating them up in the microwave at work all the time.

by Cold-Top 1 month ago

Better safe than sorry!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cold flour tortillas are okay, I guess. They're edible, anyway. Cold corn tortillas are no bueno.

by ayden89 1 month ago

Hahaha, "safer". I don't want to perpetuate stereotypes of midwesterners not being able to handle anything that isn't curd- or jello-based, but there's nothing unsafe about a warmed up tortilla, OP.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

You could burn your hands, accidentally set your house on fire, inhale burnt tortilla fumes - the list goes on!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I've been known to eat a cold burrito (half a burrito) from the fridge but man, it only takes half a minute to warm a tortilla. Are you talking about corn or flour tortillas because that makes a difference in my book. Cold corn tortillas are a no-go for me.

by Wisokyjustus 1 month ago

This i thinK flour tortillas are good cold depending tho

by Anonymous 1 month ago

That second chunk of text sounds absolutely disgusting lol

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If I added onions and/or bell peppers would that improve it in your eyes? Because that does add a bit of luxury, in my mind.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Who hurt you?

by CucumberDue 1 month ago

Se mamo 🤣

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Most people are capable of heating up a tortilla without burning it.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I like warm tortillas. Especially when they are smoky.

by Schuppechristia 1 month ago

You nailed a truly unpopular opinion. 10/10

by Mprohaska 1 month ago

This is indeed an unpopular opinion. BTW do you like toast? If the tortilla is heated properly it shouldn't taste burnt/charred. It should be more "toasted" in flavor.

by Top_Patience 1 month ago