-34 The Olympics are a relic of the past and should be canceled. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I feel it's because we have access to so much more media now that it's not a big deal. Kinda how late night shows used to get monster ratings but now it's just a thing you see some YouTube clips of from time to time. I watch the Olympics myself but I only watch boxing, wrestling and recently Judo. The fun part about the Olympics is it has a sport for everyone, just not everyone is interested in watching other people play sports they like

by Ida04 1 month ago

Yeah, I mean the Olympics is still a pretty big deal, but it's not something that's to the level it was in years past, where it's really capturing the whole world's attention. It kinds feels like it's just... here, and then it'll be done after a few weeks. IMO, WrestleMania, the Super Bowl, and the World Cup have long since eclipsed the Olympics as major events in sports.

by dean52 1 month ago

WrestleMania is nowhere close to those other 2 lol. No hate if you're a WWE fan; enjoy what you enjoy. But WWE isn't even a real sport. WrestleMsnia is big but it doesn't get close to the Super Bowl and it doesn't remotely approach World Cup viewership globally.

by Tcremin 1 month ago

95% of the world have not heard of "WrestleMania" or the "Super Bowl". As for the World Cup, assuming you mean the one for men's football, this is indeed huge, and rivals the popularity of the Olympics.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

We have the option of watching what we want and tuning out what we don't. Some people like the spectacle of the Olympics, some like niche events that are usually aired and some peeps couldn't care less. Different strokes for different folks. So to me this is unpopular opinion.

by anikadicki 1 month ago

So is dressage.

by HourWatercress9960 1 month ago

But what will all those athletes do with their skill? Besides, people want to see curling, it's invigorating. You want to see curling. Everyone deserves to be able to see curling. You'd curl if you could but where do you go

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Okay Twitter.

by Due_Month8517 1 month ago

Make the Olympics Great Again by holding them at a dedicated site in Greece every 4 years, summer only and only the original events of antiquity. I believe these were a number track and field events, pankration (freestyle fighting disallowing biting or gouging), wrestling, boxing, original poetry, original music performance and running in armor. To contemporize, have women's events and use contemporary acoustic instruments.

by Considinearmani 1 month ago

It is a chance to watch sports we don't care about for 4 years like gymnastics.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

They could sell a lot more tickets if they open up the marketplace and not worry so much about people reselling the tickets. As it stands, if you buy tickets and aren't able to make it, you can't sell the tickets and transfer them to someone else.

by rmarvin 1 month ago

What I hate about the Olympics is the waste, a country wins the Olympic bid and then spend the next 4 year building stadiums, pools and arenas etc to host event that last over the space of a couple of weeks, then the buildings are just left to crumble, it's an absolute disgrace that this continues to happen.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Australia is currently in the grip of Olympic fever just cos for some reason swim events are over represented and Australia happens to be good at swimming. Their medal tally gets burnished every 4 years just cos of swimming. They are lame at everything else, hell, their women's soccer team got their backsides handed to them the other day.

by Sorry-Blacksmith-359 1 month ago

Fun fact: The ancient games ran for 1200 years and were eventually cancelled by Christians.

by Hefty-Will 1 month ago

A Christian. The Emperor wanted to promote Christianity and viewed the games to be equivalent to paganism.

by Due_Month8517 1 month ago

Well. They did compete in some events full naked. Dong out and errrthing. Heathens.

by Ok_Process 1 month ago

That's true.

by Due_Month8517 1 month ago

I think this is a popular opinion. No one cares anymore.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

In the US, maybe. But around the world, people care. I don't like sports much, but I will watch the Olympics because it's more interesting for me to watch gymnastics, snowboarding , and ice skating than most other sports on TV

by Kingallen 1 month ago

I've lived in Germany, UK, Israel, US, China, and Turkey. No one cared.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Cool. Your friends are different then. I'm an immigrant in the US and I watch it whenever I can.

by Kingallen 1 month ago

I think they are pretty fun, they should just downsize and close a lot of events that no one watches

by Hungry_Bid6765 1 month ago