+30 The way people use air conditioning has become excessively gluttonous and borderline comical, amirite?

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

😮 Well if you can think of a better way to keep the ice trays out on my counters frozen then I'd like to hear it!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Lol, honest to God, it feels like that walking into some people's house during midsummer. If you need a sweater or blanket inside in the middle of July, your house is too damn cold

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

No..you have low iron or are an old lady if you need a sweater in 70s ac.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My hatred for the hot season cannot be quenched.

by okey35 2 months ago

Or maybe you hate humidity

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I love how comfort is gluttony.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I live in the deep south where it has been in the 90s with high humidity . I am not giving up my AC . You try living here where it is humid all summer and no AC . Nobody can do that

by schneiderjackel 2 months ago

Hello fellow Southerner We've had a week's break from the 95F+ heat. During the last heat wave I kept my AC set to 80F

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

Just checked my weather app and it is 111F outside. Sorry, but my AC needs to run over time to keep that heat out of my house

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yup, I'm in AZ sooooooo the AC is staying on

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My ancestors died so that I could be comfortable in my own house. It would be a dishonor to their memory for me not to use the AC

by Maxie56 2 months ago

I can afford air conditioning.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

So can I. I just choose not to spend it on heat removal

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

How dare people not deal with temperature the exact same way as me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Why live somewhere where it gets so hot then? All they're doing is wasting electricity and causing unnecessary pollution

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

Because people always choose where they live or to develop an unexpected medical condition 🙄

by ebertmonique 2 months ago

I promise you using my AC for 2 hours is not going to make even a microscopic dent in pollution lmao

by Anonymous 2 months ago

"Just live in the like 3 places in the USA that aren't miserable in the summer, it's not that hard bro."

by Okeefeliza 2 months ago

Because my career is here. And humidity is awful. I get cold easily and if I lived alone I'd keep my AC at 75-78 but my partner is actively sweating above 72. Hugging him would be gross because he'd be sticky if we went above 72.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Nah I'm hot

by DependentEmu7405 2 months ago

Florida its 80f at night but humid asf. Thats what ac does, dry air is much more comfortable. I dont even sweat at 100f in California though

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I don't do well with heat. I'll keep my AC blasting, and you can keep yours off. Come to my home in January and will still be cold because I don't like the heat.

by AmphibianSuper7155 2 months ago

I keep my house at 63F-67F during the winter Your body can adapt to temperature way more than you think

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

80F inside feels like a sauna to me

by Anonymous 2 months ago

80F cooled by AC is dry enough that I feel fine But, I'd need a dehumidifier if the AC wasn't running to feel comfortable

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I like it cold it's not that deep. Calling a preference for temperature "excessively gluttonous" and "borderline comical" is in and of itself comical.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Calling a preference for temperature "excessively gluttonous" and "borderline comical" is in and of itself comical. It takes energy to run that unit dawg. That affects peak rates and can cause brownouts/blackouts in severe circumstances. Besides that it's not "environmentally friendly" You could turn that thermostat up a few degrees and live

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

Not always. Some people cannot take the heat. If it gets too warm, I will start to get headaches, and if I start sweating, I cannot cooldown due to having heat exhaustion/potentially heatstroke as a child. Not to mention my thyroid went nuts early on in life, and I DID need a blanket in July, not because the house was too cold, but because my body SAID it was too cold. It has now flipped a switch and now I am nearly always too hot, and wear shorts in 30-40 degree weather. (F, not C) Not everyone has a body that regulates their temperature well, and they don't want to be 'okay' they want to be 'comfortable'.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

and wear shorts in 30-40 degree weather. I found my people!

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My city doesn't get blackouts...we'll be fine

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My city doesn't get blackouts...we'll be fine Yet

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

My mom literally can't. If she gets too hot, she gets EXTREMELY sick, and she's already not well. Thanks for calling her medical conditions "gluttonous". /s

by LittlePiano4654 2 months ago

I wish my house had air conditioning. It got 95 inside today with all the lights off. 105 outside.

by Significant_Bag 2 months ago

Yea, that's excessive and probably not healthy Hopefully, it cools down for you

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I keep my AC set to 68. Love it

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Whats the outside temp?

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

it literally doesn't matter.

by weissnatrachael 2 months ago

It does

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

maybe with your HVAC system, but if set the temp to 68 it literally does not matter what temperature it is outside because it will heat or cool and adjust for humidity. to keep it a comfortable 68° with not too much humidity.

by weissnatrachael 2 months ago

It's physics man The more heat trying to intrude into your house, the more the system needs to work. You can't escape that

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I keep my house at 18 celsius at all tines summer and winter (when I have guests I keep it at around 20). I can handle the heat and bunidity outside when it's 29 that feels like 37, but once I'm inside, I want to cool down. And I sleep better when it's cooler, so it also keeps my bedroom cool.

by tom63 2 months ago

I wish I could keep my house that cold, but sadly, can't afford the electricity :P

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I keep my house at 18 celsius at all tines summer and winter My god, how can you be comfortable at that low of a temp? I set my heat that low when I sleep in the winter. But I've got a thick comforter and long pants/sleeves on 29C isn't even that hot outside??

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

My god, how can you be comfortable at that low of a temp? Honestly, I forgot the AC on when leaving the house and when I came back I was like "Huh, it's a bit chilly, but at least my bedroom is cold". I got used to it after a few days. Also, the house isn't isolated that well, without AC, the temperature in the bedroom would be aroubd 27. 29C isn't even that hot outside?? It is with hunidity that makes it feel like 35. You step outside and you're already sweating.

by tom63 2 months ago


by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I only run the AC at night to make sure my bedroom's cool enough to sleep in. During the day, I have fans. Works okay for me, even though it's a bit rough when it's 105-115 for weeks on end, thanks to this damn heatwave. I'm more concerned about my cat than me, though. I make sure she always gets the premium spot in front of the biggest fan.

by Defiant-Head 2 months ago

Are you talking an AC window unit - or central air? We have our air set at 76. I work from home and often turn it off during the day though (so I basically agree with you - I sometimes go into someone's house and it's like 65 in there and I need pants and a hoodie in July!). Sleeping is different though - so we cool our bedroom at night. I think people with only a window unit may need to run them a lot though just to keep things cooler (like depending where you are maybe all day just to keep it at 80).

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My window units ran all day almost and the house was still 75F 😭

by Fabulous-Pass 2 months ago

It's feels so cold to me. My parents never had ac so maybe that's why I think ac is so cold to my skin. I love opening the windows. Ac is only for my partner tbh

by Stokeskaelyn 2 months ago

You are power companies' favorite consumer

by Future_Waltz 2 months ago

I have it on in the summer only when it gets above 80-85

by Anonymous 2 months ago

OP are you a European trying to hate on Americans use of AC? I am not. Born and raised here in the US. Grew up on the east coast and currently live in the south

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I think Europe would suit you well

by abednar 2 months ago

Agreed. If I turn it up even to 72 I wake up overheated in the middle of the night and have it turn it down.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

80 is comfortable if it's dry, but if it's humid, it is not.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I know right! I work in a government department and I often come to work in the morning to find that night shift have had all the air-cons running on high all night and they only came into the building a couple of times during the night to do building checks.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Glad to see our tax money hard at work cooling an empty building

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

That's completely fair, but in my defence, my house is awfully insulated so as soon as I turn it off the temperature goes way up so kinda forced to run it longer than I have to.

by kleinastrid 2 months ago


by Dareroger 2 months ago

when its 94 with a heat index of 105 half the summer i can't blame them for wanting their house to be an igloo tbh

by Anonymous 2 months ago

80F still feels like an oasis compared to that. You don't need to keep your house at 68F to be comfortable. It doesn't take that long to acclimate to a slightly warmer temp. People just choose not to

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

maybe *you* don't need to keep your house at 68 degrees to be comfortable, but that doesn't mean other people don't. Anything about about 76 is getting into 'too hot' territory, and honestly, that can be pushing it at times.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Wholeheartedly agree, I don't like not being able to sleep with some covers, when the dew point hit 75 for a few days hope no maintenance workers were coming in without knocking because that was five straight days of hanging dong, you can only get so naked, I can put a sweater on in the winter

by LabPractical5918 2 months ago

Nobody needs to keep their house set at 68F (outside of very small exceptions) 76f is not pushing too hot for the average semi healthy person. They've artificially deflated their heat tolerance by blasting the AC all summer

by caitlyn03 2 months ago

I live in northern California and we've had a heat wave for weeks now that have been 110°f and higher. We're finally getting into the low 90s this weekend. I'm keeping my damn AC on 60°f 24/7 lol

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People experience temperatures differently. I'm sweltering at 80º. My friend B. would just be starting to feel warm enough. She lives for summer. I hate it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

There is a time and a place. The place is those places that get in excess of 100 and stay steadily in the 90s. That doesn't mean it needs to be 68 inside in the summer while it's nice outside where you are.

by Edward43 2 months ago

ok good for you where i live its 115 degrees from july to october

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Well, I'm sure I would think the temperature you keep your terrarium of a house at during the winter is gluttonous

by Superb_Location 2 months ago

Today is the coolest it's been in quite a while where I live. It's been above 40 nearly every day for the last month or so. I'll keep my AC on, thank you very much

by Malvina60 2 months ago

Unfortunately I am unable to afford to move to alaska, so I have to make do with Air Conditioning.

by Rough_Character 2 months ago

I actually agree with you, but that's the world we live in. People treat luxuries as necessities.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Comfort is a necessity in life.

by abednar 2 months ago

Too much comfort least to complacency comfort is the enemy of growth.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

People are out of shape, aka fat. They need the comfort to hide from reality.

by Anonymous 2 months ago