-28 Violent video games do contribute to mass shootings sometimes, amirite?

by Basic-Support 1 month ago

Same for movies, TV, books etc. The issue is the mental illness, not the medium.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

mentally ill people who play these games can lead to real world violence. That's the mental illness.

by Forsaken_Swim_7678 1 month ago

True, but the games can be the lightning strike in the dry forest.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No they can't.

by Forsaken_Swim_7678 1 month ago

How do you know?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I'm incredibly smart. I've read every book. I'm a professional scientist. I've been to the moon. I kissed your dad. I never need a reservation. I'm taller than you. My beard is magnificent. I'm incredibly smart.

by Forsaken_Swim_7678 1 month ago

Ah, you're a troll. Carry on then

by Anonymous 1 month ago

No it's that damn rock n roll music doing it

by InsideInflation6706 1 month ago

It was magic the gathering with me when I was a kid

by InsideInflation6706 1 month ago

I'm only 35; remember MTG too (still have a deck somewhere. Heck, I DM for D&D too.)

by Anonymous 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

why do you feel this way despite all the research proving no correlation or causation between the two whatsoever? just a hunch? just vibes?

by Jadyn98 1 month ago

Source: Trust me, bro (and ignore every study that disagrees with my boomer take.)

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Well that Adam Lanza guy played violent video games. It may have contributed to the sandy hook massacre

by Basic-Support 1 month ago

The number of mass killers who played video games would only matter if that was unusual. 76% of adults in the US play video games. Most of the highest selling video games are violent. But the vast, vast majority of the people who play those violent video games aren't committing violence. We have less violent crime now than before video games became popular in the first place. It's statistically a coincidence and your stubborn personal opinion is that and only that.

by ProfessionalRoom 1 month ago

If this were remotely true, you would see a trend between consumption increase and mass shootings. Increase in violent video game intake would be seen in mass shooting attempts. But the reality is that the two things don't affect eachother. So you are factually wrong. You and any data you pull would just be correlation. Find the relationship

by Amazing_Benefit 1 month ago

I'm pretty far left actually

by Basic-Support 1 month ago

Huh. You would be surprised how many of them say "ViDeo gAmEs ArE vIoLeNt"

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I will, the title immediately set me off.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

But that's not what OP is saying.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

He said Violent Video games in the title.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

He also said sometimes

by Anonymous 1 month ago

This seems like a reasonable take honestly. Is this really unpopular?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I see what you mean. Apparently nobody understands nuance these days.

by Anonymous 1 month ago