+47 We need more undercover cops on streets and highways. amirite?

by Commercial-Shoe-9223 3 months ago

Dont speed cams do that?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Oh, something else the public pays for they get less than no return on?

by HealthyDetective4639 3 months ago

Yeah I was expecting this kinda thing 😅. I mean increase on public safety? I feel like you can make this argument about anything you provide public servants, even the military

by Commercial-Shoe-9223 3 months ago

Illegal drivers are the ones who drive the safest because they don't want to get caught driving by doing something stupid like speeding. People with a license speed.

by NovelNegative1936 3 months ago

Bro what 😂. Idk what you're on

by Commercial-Shoe-9223 3 months ago

It's a well known adage that you don't do more than one crime at a time.

by MainBulky8945 3 months ago