+44 It's not a "$700 difference" for the PS5 Pro, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

The only issue that I have with the PS5 Pro is that so many, perhaps not very well informed, people are looking at the upgrades and acting like they'll make a massive difference. Games have to be built to take advantage of the upgrades, but that would cost too much, so the best you're actually likely to see is maybe 5 seconds shaved off of the loading times when booting games, the XMB will load much quicker and you can install more games because of the extra storage. None of that screams "pay us $700 for this mild convenience dressed up as the next best thing in gaming" to me.

by tre60 4 months ago

I agree that $700 is too steep for what it and supported games offer currently

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It's built on processing architecture from 2018, it only has 16gb of shared memory, and it performs worse than a $450 Radeon RX 7800XT graphically. For $120 more you can build a PC that would give you way better performance at higher resolutions and ray tracing. I see now benefit in buying the Pro over a standard PS5.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

You're hanging way too much on dumb word usage of a handful of people. It's not worth $700 and it's not worth the $200 (or more considering $700 minus cost of trade in) difference. That's what folks are saying.

by InevitableNoise270 4 months ago

If it's not for you then it's not for you and don't buy. But it's stupid that I get hate because I'm gonna buy it. Why are you Internet weirdos trying to dictate how I spend my money?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Guess we can't talk about housing, medical assistance and insurance no more according to you.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Those are necessities so i get it, but a damn video game?!

by Ok-Jello4856 4 months ago