+22 I Really Dislike Spending Money on Wedding Gifts and Prefer to Decline Invitations, amirite?

by raynorskyla 3 months ago

Have fun at the wedding and don't worry about what other people think. We tend to think other people notice things about us way more than they actually do

by Anonymous 3 months ago

You don't need an excuse. Wedding invites are neither summons nor invoiced. You are neither obliged to go or send a gift. Just decline the RSVP.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's true, but it can also depend on where you're from. In my area, not attending a wedding can be seen as a big deal and sometimes even a deal breaker for friendships or family relationships. There's a lot of pressure to show up, even if you're not close to the couple. But yeah, I agree that things are slowly changing, and more people are starting to realize that it's okay to decline.

by raynorskyla 3 months ago

I feel that weddings are a money grab, always have been. By the couple, then by the industry. When people who are just starting out get married I don't mind giving gifts that help set up house. When it's the second or third marriage or the couple already has a household, I don't see the need for gifts.

by Express-Set-5900 3 months ago