-49 Baz Luhrmann's style is migraine-inducingly bad, amirite?

by Ok-Telephone 1 day ago

I watched Romeo and Juliet about a year ago with my parents who were big fans of his Gatsby adaptation (as am I). It was a delight because they found it quite entertaining, as did I. 90% of Shakespeare adaptations I've seen are as boring as seeing Shakespeare live (no offense to the Bard). That one isn't. Elvis was less remarkable for what it was trying to be, but it definitely had some good scenes. I did not care for Moulin Rouge, much preferred Chicago.

by cieloerdman 1 day ago

As someone who fears migraines like an agoraphobic fears the unknown, I don't share the same opinion but I'm sorry that happened to you.

by Maleficent_Cheek3880 1 day ago