+58 Nobody has the right to live their lives protected from offense or from insult or from hurt feelings. amirite?

by Brad71 3 months ago

Sure- but some people treat themselves as champions of asking the tough questions, when in reality they are just assholes. It doesn't take much effort to be courteous.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yeah, there seems to be an assumption here that offense is the result of some kind of high minded debate or something but a lot of the times the people who go out of their way to offend you are doing it out of cruelty.

by Public_Way3790 3 months ago

Most of those people don't really retain friendships like that, at least in my experience. Lots of benefits to not being an asshole. Have people in my friend group that make that their motto, they don't get invited to any events lol

by wunschsydni 3 months ago

Also should be said that people who talk like that tend to be the most whiny, oversensitive, insufferable bores you'll ever meet.

by eriberto22 3 months ago

Someone is ALWAYS offended. There are ppl who are offended that gays exist, for example. Shall we "be courteous" to them? Does it truly cost nothing? If someone isn't offended you are doing life WRONG.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

So you are saying if you are not actively offending someone, you need to change?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Excuse me, ugly idiot, do you know how I can get to Main Street from here?

by Ephraimcole 3 months ago

Cut me right to my core.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

This is just meaningless lol being bigoted isn't the same as being offended by bigotry how is that not obvious lol

by eriberto22 3 months ago

I don't think anyone's arguing that it isn't going to happen. They're mostly arguing that we should speak up when someone's being a tool or saying something gross. People have a hard time holding those close to them accountable.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

That's not even close to unpopular. But it does ignore that the only reason it matters is people making an active choice to be a dick. Sure, I don't have the "right" not to be offended, but you're still a dick for not caring how you impact the people around you.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Here's one for starters. (I'm not an architect, just came to mind because of a conversation recently) Is it OK to label a bedroom as the "Master" bedroom anymore? | Forum | Archinect

by Anonymous 3 months ago

No, I think I read you properly. You said "when people have to...." And I'm saying they don't have to. The people that feel they have to are being dicks. "That's where the problem lies" - there is no problem. It's an imagined problem by people who want a license to be a dick. I once again invite concrete examples.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Who are the constant complainers offended by everything though? There's a lot of people of all ideologies we could point the finger at. Is it the people complaining about racism? Or is it the people complaining about being called out as racist?

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Except the people who complain about people being offended all the time and why should they ever get pushback for saying ignorant things etc are chronic complainers who spend all their time crying about how mean people are to them.

by eriberto22 3 months ago

Cool, nobody's trying to. Next!

by Alternative-Art 3 months ago

Society has hundreds of established norms in order to function. Don't steal, don't kill, don't do x. Spreading hate and harassing people is very much a part of the "don't do" list. According to you the "Haitian immigrants are eating cats and dogs" is a totally fine thing and people offended by that are in the wrong. The reality of that situation is a week of bomb and terrorist threats towards officials and citizens of the city of Springfield. Words have consequences, dangerous ones. It's not about offense

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I don't think that's an unpopular opinion tbh

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Based on the trajectory of society it seems to be

by Suitable-Shape 3 months ago

The irony is that they want the right to be offensive to other people without giving others the right to be offensive to them. They'll go through the mental gymnastic hoops to portray being upset at being labelled racist, homophobic, transphobic, or just plain dickish as anything other than being triggered or offended but that's exactly what it is.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Yes hurt feelings are expected, that is fine. However if someone is being an outright bigot that is unacceptable

by mortimerschoen 3 months ago

Also because life is not Instagram.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Siri, please recap Ricky Gervais's last six standup specials.

by tom65 3 months ago

But we can avoid dating or meeting our exes in the open or insulted because we don't want to dress like themainstream.

by Reasonable_Ruin 3 months ago

Not unpopular at all

by Alternative-Half5749 3 months ago

Nobody actually has any rights

by Anonymous 3 months ago

In an ideal world people wouldn't insult each other. People would still get offended, because we're all wrong sometimes and most of us don't like hearing it, or someone at the meeting has a better idea, things like that. That's the kind of offence reasonable people should get over quickly. But we don't live in an ideal world, so all we can to is try to live up to our ideals and ignore the angry and ignorant who use insults instead of logic.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

It's easier to be nice than to be an asshole

by Nyah00 3 months ago

I don't have the right to live without getting hit with the rain but I don't have a thousand assholes whining every time I buy an umbrella. Yeah, sometimes life is going to be hard but and sometimes my feelings are going to be hurt. But I'm going to do things to avoid that if I can, like everyone else does. There's no great truth to this. Everyone knows this already.

by Far_Abbreviations 3 months ago

Sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me. Unless something is directed at me specifically, I have the choice between being offended and causing a scene, have a teaching moment, or ignore it altogether. That the loudest people are those in the first group is what sucks. And context is everything. Are you offended because I specifically insulted you, or are you insulted because I popped your bubble and therefore are offended by what I said? One is a persona attack and should be confronted; the other is just the truth which yields to no one.

by Easy-Scar3442 3 months ago

I mean, yeah, anyone can say anything they want about any person or group of people. Just dont be surprised when consequences follow, lol.

by dibbertcarleton 3 months ago

Yeah but when you get smacked in the mouth for your in your face "comedy" style, I'm the bad guy.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

almost as if you don't have an inalienable right to physically assault people.

by Delicious_Target 3 months ago

Yes, you are the bad guy for escalating the situation to physical violence. If you're so delicate that your only response to someone's "comedy" is to attack them physically, then you should be in therapy.

by Mitchellcliffor 3 months ago

I'll bet everything I own you've never hit anyone in your life.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Why should the responsibility be on people to not be offended by things? People, most of the time, don't choose to be offended they just are. Why is the responsibility not on the people being offensive? Grown adults are responsible for what comes out of their mouths, you say something provocative you can't then complain that people are being offended by what you say. How about people hold themselves accountable for the words they use instead of blaming others for not liking them? Who are you or I to tell someone that they are wrong to be offended by something? We don't choose to be offended, or at least most people don't. It's arrogant to say "well I'm not offended by this so no one else should be".

by Anonymous 3 months ago

I don't think OP is saying it's wrong to be offended. I read this as "It's wrong to expect ppl to cater to you and your triggers". You're allowed to be offended, we all are. It is unreasonable and morally wrong to demand ppl change who they are in order to avoid offending you.

by RevolutionaryPin 3 months ago

The people who need their feelings hurt are often the ones who dont get their feelings hurt.

by lkerluke 3 months ago

I think, in a perfect world, children will be kept a safe distance from each other while they are still acting more like an animal than a person, as they broach adolescence. They will be raised by machines more emotionally intelligent than any living human, and by the time they "graduate" into young adulthood, they will have fully formed brains and emotional structures to confidently repel any offense flown their direction. Also, degenerate aggrivators will be separated from their betters and placed into a learning environment that would promote empathy. I'm sure science , or at least trial and error, could help tune the system so people aren't emotionally stunted or afraid of other people due to them being unfamiliar. Today, on this planet, in this economy, with these people? Sure, don't expect to be safe from harm, but I wouldn't go so far as to normalize it and use denigration of the self as an important step in human growth. To me, it's not necessary, but maybe the science would refute my hypothesis.

by Anonymous 3 months ago

Sounds like someone got called into HR for being a dickhead

by Anonymous 3 months ago