+15 I freaking hate microsoft products, hate down to the core, its beyond, amirite?

by connellyayden 3 hours ago

if you let windows update control your life, we know who's the bitch. the pebcak is real.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

look, quality software does not need YOU to adapt to it, its built with the intuition of the user in mind. and it gives agency to the individual. not like this horrific mess.

by connellyayden 3 hours ago

Old man yells at Cloud

by ikeokon 3 hours ago

i'm probably 10 years or more younger than you, and funny thing, old timers are the only ones supposedly used to this form of horrific software design.

by connellyayden 2 hours ago


by Single-Television539 2 hours ago

skill issue.

by Waste_Jeweler5463 2 hours ago

skill issue to have the software act up? naaa dude, go linux or osx, doesnt act this way. works smooth without these intricate stupidities.

by connellyayden 2 hours ago

I have not experienced such a debacle over the last ten years or so. I leave the updates to run after I have finished working and there has been no discomfort because of them.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

the issue is, it forces you to do the updates. i dont need a babysitter os to make decisions for me.

by connellyayden 1 hour ago

so don't use it then?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Agree. Haven't had a forced update restart for many years. What weird version of windows are you running OP? Turn em off completely if you want. My ps4 on the other hand can take a dive off a cliff

by Character_Donut_8429 1 hour ago

Meanwhile I'm here happy with my Windows 7 without any updates.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago