+22 Alaska shouldn't be Seattle sports territory, amirite?

by Scottie90 3 hours ago

What sports teams are closer to Alaska, though?

by mariam91 2 hours ago

Brother, if the retail outlets are confident enough to sell Seattle sports gear, that quite literally means Alaska is Seattle territory

by Spare_Notice 2 hours ago

The governor should randomly assign cities to sports fans

by Fresh_Ad 2 hours ago

Alaska airlines is based in Seattle. Alaska is pretty far from any other major US city that could support a sports team. Likewise people in Hawaii tend to go for California or Las Vegas teams.

by No-Confidence-2596 2 hours ago

You're right. Alaska should be Miami sports fan territory. They have so much in common

by Jillian71 2 hours ago

If it's supposed to be neutral territory, why can't Seattle teams sell merch there?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

What? Alaska should be with the Russia Polar Bears?

by Whole_Ad2626 2 hours ago

I get super annoyed cuz I get blacked out Texas Rangers games when they play Seattle.

by TieMassive3949 2 hours ago

I mean, what other "territory" would it be then?

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

I live in Alaska It just had to do with television rights. I

by buford60 1 hour ago

I know people that lived in Alaska and they say that they fly down to Seattle for necessities all the time. If you need health care that is at all specialized, you have to fly to Seattle. If you want to go to specific concerts, you have to fly to Seattle. Sports venues Seattle. Makes 100% sense that Seattle is the team of choice. In fact, Seattle children's hospital supports five states, one of which is Alaska.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago