+21 Giving public lands back to Native Tribes is a horrible idea, amirite?

by RegularCare7322 3 hours ago

In the US we have native reparations- they're called casinos lol. The local tribe - less than a 1,000 members - in my area opened casinos 15 years ago, made a few $100 million, launched a whole business empire across the region, and just started buying back their land and restoring it to its natural habitat. They also gave millions away each year to schools all over the region, teach their native language to all kids in the local school, partnered with health authorities to open drug/alcohol centers, buy land and build affordable housing for tribal members living off the reservation. I could go on- they are an absolute powerhouse.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

Does not sound like any tribal lands I've been around. Care to be more specific?

by alanisdibbert 2 hours ago

This is what they mean when they say the indigenous people are the best custodians of the land and the people who live there. You love to see it.

by NeighborhoodSea 2 hours ago

Have you ever been to tribal lands?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

They have not. They look to the Mohegan casinos and ignore reservation land is actually among the poorest in the nation usually

by Long_Restaurant 2 hours ago


by gleasonadolf 1 hour ago

I grew up in the reservation town and went to school with the tribe. Before the casino, drug addiction and alcoholism was rampant. Everyone had an uncle or someone that would be passed out on the streets somewhere on the weekend. We partied on the rez all the time (because no police) and I'm surprised any of us survived. We were all pathetically poor, but the rez was really, really poor. It so incredibly awesome to see how much they have helped their community. It is night and day. Not only did they help tribal members, they helped non-natives in their community too. I couldn't be prouder to call them my friends and neighbors. They rock!

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

This makes my heart swell for your people, I am so happy for the positive changes you've gotten to experience.

by NeighborhoodSea 1 hour ago

I don't think being indigenous automatically qualifies you to be a great custodian of the land lol. There was a story a few years ago near me where a bunch of kids got hospitalized for tetanus because they swam in a pond where the friendly neighborhood reservation chop shop had been dumping stolen cars and parts they couldn't use or sell. Being indigenous possibly means through your culture and upbringing you will be motivated to be a custodian, and pursue the right education and career to enable you to do so, which I think is awesome and powerful and we need more of.

by sydneeschuster 44 minutes ago

So you base this opinion on and entirely because of one anecdote to the contrary? This isn't a valid counter point, especially when you ask yourself why people turn towards criminal acts such as dumping parts and cars.

by NeighborhoodSea 15 minutes ago