+9 Therapy isn't the end all solution to problems, amirite?

by Hot_Helicopter_623 3 hours ago

Therapy is rarely THE answer to anything, nor is it the goal. Therapy is the baseline, and most of the work you do for therapy happens outside of the session. Therapy doesn't fix any problems, it gives you the tools to solve them yourself. Sometimes the solution to a broken marriage is to end the marriage.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

i like to think of it this way! The answer to any problem isn't multiple choice, it's an essay. Therapy is the introduction paragraph, the thesis. It's never the conclusion, it's not the bulk of what you're gonna do, it's not the details. It's what you start off with, what sets up the full solution. by itself, it's not an essay, but without it your essay will go all over the place, baseless, chaotic, disordered, and likely not the desired outcome

by Alberto48 3 hours ago

No. It might not fix everything. But it certainly has improved things for me personally speaking.

by Unique_Floor 2 hours ago

I've gone to therapy; it could be seen as similar to visiting your primary physician for your physical exam. The physician doesn't solve any problems for you, they simply advise you on your current condition and how to mitigate any issues that they may have found such as elevated blood pressure, high cholesterol, high BMI, etc. If your physician thinks medicine might help you, they will prescribe it to you or refer you to someone who can prescribe it to you. Whether your cholesterol comes down to healthy levels or you bring your BMI down to a healthy number depends on you not on the physician. Therapy works the same way.

by Shot_Flounder_4155 2 hours ago

my go to answer is ducking. If all else fails: duck. As a defensive stratagem it's unreliable, but incredibly reassuring for a moment or two.

by dave32 2 hours ago

I am convinced it's because a lot of these people are the kind of young professional types that will either go to therapy, have a therapist in their social circle or be a therapist. It's promoting members of a fellow guild. At least the "why aren't men sleeping with prostitutes" articles (based on the same principle) have died down.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Therapy can help you, if you want to change and willing to put in the work to do so. It's a waste of time and money otherwise.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

It's just like being told "just exercise bro" when dealing with depression the people who just say that I swar feel like the smartest people around. Exercise can help but often mindlessly telling someone something isn't actually going to help as every situation is different

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

It can, and I'm not saying you shouldn't say that it is bad advice all the time. It's just that it comes across as extremely dismissive when being told that exercise is all you need when depressed and trying you end up feeling worse because it didn't really make you feel any different.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

yeah I feel you, it's definitely a low-effort response.

by Hot_Helicopter_623 56 minutes ago

I agree with you. And my husband used to be a damn therapist 😂

by AdRelevant6451 49 minutes ago

I dont think anyone ever said it was. Its the start of finding solutions would be more apt.

by Anonymous 48 minutes ago

Therapy is not a solution in the same way that abstinence is not a solution to addiction

by Anonymous 42 minutes ago

Not unpopular

by Kind_Payment8868 24 minutes ago

Marriage counseling fails because most couples who end up there are really there to agree to the the marriage, not save it.

by Anonymous 20 minutes ago

I can relate. I'm taking Fluoxetine, Fanapt, Strattera, and a blood pressure medication called Valsartan. And all four of them combined did so much of a better job handling my psychological issues than my own therapist.

by Anonymous 18 minutes ago