+12 Life in general is one of the least valuable things on earth. amirite?

by Thaddeus35 3 hours ago

Now that youve decyphered this riddle called life, why not join these faithful dreamers and participate with your own fantasy

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

So, how many lifetimes have you bought? Do you figure you can do 200 before you croak this time?

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

What is the value of anything if there is no conscious being to give it value? Value is a concept that we created.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Diamonds serve no purpose though. Trees and animals I can accept, various minerals sure, but a stone that serves no purpose, nah

by DizzyDesk2700 2 hours ago

The idea of value is also a fictional human belief. Something is only valuable if there is someone or something to judge it as such. People value the unique traits and personality of others. Every individual is exceptionally rare in this aspect because they're the only ones who've been through the exact set of experiences that made them who they are. Also memories make someone valuable too. Someone I like or love that I have a history with is always going to be more valuable to me than a stranger who is similar to them.

by cecilschulist 1 hour ago

Value correlates with so much more than just how common it is There's also demand I could put my nail clippings for sale but there's no demand for them. And another worker is very much in demand

by Regansanford 1 hour ago

You need to understand: the very idea of value is a product of living minds only

by Prudent-Buy-1658 49 minutes ago

To me, my life is incredibly valuable. To me, op your life is not. We can all play sad douches if we want.

by Anonymous 43 minutes ago

So what is the actual value of a diamond on a lifeless planet?

by No_Letterhead 38 minutes ago


by Big_Faithlessness717 30 minutes ago

Unlike your corpse

by Thaddeus35 6 minutes ago