+8 Food addiction is the worst addiction. amirite?

by Pagacblanche 3 hours ago

It really is. Im a drug addict and I just need to stay way from drugs but need to eat every damn day

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

"My addiction is worse than your addiction."

by Important-Salad6487 2 hours ago

He called it the "worst" That clearly shows that he's comparing addictions. It's honestly disrespectful to people fighting other addictions. All of them are bad in their own way, and downgrading other addictions like OP did is wrong

by teaganfahey 2 hours ago

Heroine addiction is way worse

by Suspicious_Doubt 1 hour ago

You mean binge eating? Yeah it sucks, but suffering ain't supposed to be a competition.

by Practical-Return 1 hour ago

Food addiction doesn't make sell all your stuff or your children or yourself. Heroin and crack makes people do those things and heroin addiction is for life. You need to be on a maintenance drug for the rest of your life

by winnifred21 1 hour ago

You are 100% on the money. It's horrible.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Almost no one is addicted to food in general, they're addicted to fast food, junk food, and ultra-processed foods that can easily be cut out of your diet.

by Anonymous 53 minutes ago

There's usually multiple factors at play when it comes to overeating. Sure, on some level it's a matter of sheer willpower to resist, but that doesn't mean you can't weigh the odds in your favour. If your reaction to stress is to overeat, then organizing your time in a way you get less pressure will help. Having a solid sleep routine also helps reduce midnight hunger pangs, and helps quite a bit with burning fat too. The real problem comes if/when your work schedule just doesn't allow for any of these. But I feel ya. Hang in there and good luck. If it helps, just remember that enjoying food isn't always about wolfing it down- sometimes just a small serving is good enough, and you should move on after.

by Anonymous 26 minutes ago