+53 Loud cars are not as annoying as people make them out to be. amirite?

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

I would think it's still pretty annoying when someone's hobby is preventing me from falling asleep because they want to fly down the road at midnight

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Stupid ass people. They don't even realize it..

by Such-Focus-4677 2 months ago

Again it's like 3-5 seconds of noise. Could be worse

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

And that 3-5 seconds of noise is enough to pull me out of any sleep I was about to get. Their hobby sucks if it requires them to be so inconsiderate and disrupt the needs of other people

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Get over it

by Fantastic-Theory-140 2 months ago

I wish for you to not get a good night's sleep for the entire next week.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

What if that 3-5 seconds wakes you up and you can't fall asleep again for another hour. Or what if you just put a baby to bed and they get woken up by a car. Not situations I've ever been in but I'd imagine for some people those 3-5 seconds can cause issues that last much longer

by CheckCommercial6357 2 months ago

There are hundreds of things that'll make noise and wake u or a baby but I'm simply not going to let someone driving their car down the street upset to the point where it ruins my day. If 3-5 seconds of noise is enough to keep you up for the rest of the night or an hour there should be other solutions to help u sleep. Like I said I'm not advocating for the people that purposely rev up the engines and go flying thru residential neighbor hoods

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

And those 3-5 seconds of noise are enough to wake up my toddler that had just finally fallen asleep 1 hour after I put them to bed. Seriously, once your 'hobby' interferes with my life, I can be annoyed with it as much as I want.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Depends on the street. Some streets just make people want to floor it. Suck for the people that live there and hear it hundreds of times a day.

by Chemical_Carpet_8863 2 months ago

Op definitely understood the assignment.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

if it's interfering with the activities of literally every person in the vicinity (no matter how briefly), it shouldn't be done. that's it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No, loud cars aren't as annoying as people make them out to be. They're worse. It's not 3 seconds. It's waiting at a 2 minute light having to close your windows just to hear your radio. It's having to drive near them for miles while their exhaust/engine noise drowns out everything from a cricket to a 747.

by FunHighway 2 months ago

As long as their driving safely just ignore it

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

Easier said then done.

by Harvey90 2 months ago

You can have the same performance without a annoying exhaust. You are choosing to have that annoy exhaust because it sounds "cool" to you.

by Working-Weird 2 months ago

It's not just an exhaust that makes a car loud . Their are performance parts that unfortunately will make a car louder

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago


by Anonymous 2 months ago

I agree op

by Anonymous 2 months ago

My favorite activity, the thing that gets me up in the morning, is to walk around honking like a duck and flapping my wings at random people on the street. If they try to ignore me, I just get louder until my specialness is acknowledged. I'm not annoying, I'm just passionate.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Just a loud buzzing a few car lengths away, oh now it's a hum. Well I can now feel my car shake that I'm next to them. We're about to pass a tunnel I hope they don't rev- WAHH WAAAAHHH WAHHHH

by Puzzled_Yesterday180 2 months ago

It would be one thing if they had an actual space for the car's performance to be shown. It is entirely another when they rev that sh*t at 5am on their way to work, on a route that does not exceed 35mph. Buy a work car, save your ear killer for the track.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Annoying af

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Invalid opinion. Their "passion" is disrupting everyone around them, and if you have the audacity to rev your engine at 2 a.m., knowing damn well how loud your car is, then that in fact makes you a douche bag.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

I'm not advocating for the guys who are purposely being loud at 2am.

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

When I first moved to Phoenix, I was staying at a hotel near the city center. Every night, I could tell you when the bar let out because I could hear the same loud ass motorcycle getting on the freeway. Awake or sleeping, I had the opportunity to listen to that douche the entire on ramp every night. That changed my opinion. Depending on the circumstance, yes, they can be incredibly annoying.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Exactly I simply respect the passion and the community they made for themselves and I'm not going to let car noises ruin my day

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

At 6 to 9 in the morning? ---- off.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah like I said to those purposely reving a engine to be asshole its different than those who are simply just trying to make the car preform better

by Imeldarunolfsdo 2 months ago

Except some people walk. And its deafening to their ears. Literally painful.

by oda67 2 months ago