I will have to say no. I have been heavily overweight but have getting more respect, not as many looks treated better in higher end stores. People are nicer etc.
by Anonymous2 months ago
This is because you are better looking. If you were ugly no matter what, (like me) you wouldn't be treated any differently.
by Anonymous2 months ago
It's pretty rare for people to be truly genuinely physically ugly to the point where there is nothing that they can do about it. In general, there are things that can at least be done to improve someone's overall visual appeal to "average" levels.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Well as someone who fits this rarity, it is a myth. lol Not everyone can be average, it is a statistical anomoly. That is not how averages work.
by Anonymous2 months ago
We live in an age where medical technology allows people to relatively safely, change their entire bone structure and design one's features to an individual's choosing to a pretty wild degree. That doesn't even touch the surface of the non-surgical cosmetic services and products available on the market. As long as you have the money, time, and persistence, you can realistically achieve a certain level of physical beauty that would be at minimum considered average.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Ok... Sure... Maybe with plastic surgery I could be hot, and I'm sure if I got this surgery, I would be treated better. But strange how losing weight didn't change people's attitudes toward me but plastic surgery would? Maybe because it is good looking privilege and not thin privilege. Correlation does not equal causation.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Yeah, you would probably be treated better. But if you did that and then gained a lot of weight. It would be pretty obvious how different you were going to get treated by other people. Fatness is associated with so many negative traits that even if you're a great person and you don't embody any of those negative traits, you're gonna have to fight to prove that fact.
by Anonymous2 months ago
That's a stretch. Ok.. Here.... An elderly person loses weight. I bet nobody treats them any differently. Why? Because they are old. They are no longer conventionally attractive. If there are a bunch of scenarios where people can lose weight and not get this "privilege" maybe it's not the weight loss. lol Also if you're too thin you are not conventionally attractive anymore. Where is their privilege? So... It's "good looking privilege." If you have poor hygiene, and lose weight, people are not going to treat you differntly. lol. People are nicer to people who win the lottery. Is it lottery privilege or rich privilege? What happens if they lose the money? Suddenly people aren't as nice, but they are still lottery winners.... Most people get better looking when they lose weight so people are nicer. If they aren't better looking for a variety of reasons people treat them the same. Interesting... When I was in my mid 20s and I lost weight, I did get treated better because I was slightly better looking. Now going from an obese person to a healthy weight individual, in my mid 30s I get treated the same as I did before. Because I am not good looking anymore.
by Anonymous2 months ago
But it isn't? Correlation does not equal causation.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Being skinny and ugly is better than being fat and ugly.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Because fatness makes the ugly look uglier
by Anonymous2 months ago
My hot take, pretty privilege has nothing to do w/ looks or weight & everything to do with confidence, appearance, and how well you can communicate.
by Anonymous2 months ago
I believe this.... Confidence makes people treat you better.
by Anonymous2 months ago
There could be other factors like hygiene, how you dress, even your personality, etc how you look isnt the end all be all of how you get treated
by Anonymous2 months ago
I wear the same types of clothes in a smaller size. I have always had pretty good hygiene. My personality is awesome. Some people have treated me well, and others not so well. It hasn't changed. I get treated like everyone else who doesn't have good looking privilege.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Nope. Being obese closes doors to you, and being fit and healthy opens them. I have been treated far better by everyone, all the time, ever since I dropped the extra kilos. It was worth all the effort, and I'll never, ever go back again. Being healthier and able to go on hikes and bike rides and runs is a bonus, as is being healthier in general. But even more important is feeling happier with myself.
by Tlangosh2 months ago
Natural consequences is not a privilege.
by Anonymous2 months ago
But if you're thin and not pretty you don't have that privilege. So can you say it is truly thin privilege?
by Anonymous2 months ago
But what if you don't? Like me.... Is it truly thin privilege then? It isn't.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Like I said, "IN GENERAL". It's not universally applicable. Also, thin privilege isn't just how you're treated on an individual basis when interacting with other individuals. It's also the fact the world is quite literally not designed for you. For example, transportation becomes more expensive and uncomfortable if you are overweight because of your physical size.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Is that a privilege or a natural consequence?
by Anonymous2 months ago
If I smoke and I get lung cancer, is it a privilige that I'm less likely to get lung cancer if I don't smoke? If I have to go outside to smoke is it non-smoker privilege if I can sit in a person't home as a guest without having to leave the house for a few munites? Or how about being able to sit on aplane for a long time comfortably without having nicotine withdrawals? Is that a privilege? At what point does facing natural consequences to your actions constitute as being unpriviliged?
by Anonymous2 months ago
The main difference between what I'm talking about in the example you provided is that for smoking all of the discomfort and drawbacks are purely caused by an internal issue. However, when you're overweight, those discomfort aren't coming from within there because of the external factors.
by Anonymous2 months ago
Maybe "ugly privilege" is the real underdog here, keeping us all humble and relatable without the added burden of fan clubs or paparazzi.
by Anonymous 2 months ago
by Anonymous 2 months ago
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by Anonymous 2 months ago
by Tlangosh 2 months ago
by Anonymous 2 months ago
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by No-Bread 2 months ago
by Anonymous 2 months ago