-47 Insecurity isn't bad, amirite?

by Anonymous 2 months ago

No, being insecure is not a positive thing. If insecurity is your baseline you need to change, that is not good for your mental health. You can listen to your "gut instinct" or refer to previous times to make some decisions. But if all of your decisions are based upon "This person is going to screw me over.", that's not being cautious, that is paranoia. Insecurity IS a bad thing, that's why it's called INsecurity, non-secure. Very simple concept.

by Upset-Competition80 2 months ago

It's insecurity only if it's irrational or overdriven. If it's healthy, it's just good self reflection

by Effective-Stand-1667 2 months ago

this is very much a popular opinion 💀

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Oh... I've never seen it.

by Anonymous 2 months ago