-56 People who claim the past doesn't matter often have a dark past themselves, amirite?

by CraftPrestigious1489 2 months ago

I'm pretty sure this is a popular opinion and understanding. If history didn't matter, we wouldn't teach it.

by Simple_Group 2 months ago

You're talking sociology the OP is discussing psychology. Different people react to the same events differently. Knowing the exact specifics of a person's past doesn't mean you know how it effected them as a person. Many people who are all "I need to know everything about your past, how many partners how often you've traveled etc" are assuming that every person is going to be the same as every other person to go through the same things.

by Anonymous 2 months ago

The past shaped you into who you are today. Of course it is important.

by Direct-Cheetah 2 months ago

End up being christians

by Anonymous 2 months ago

Yeah the past absolutely does matter, those people are usually narcissistic or have some ulterior motive for saying "the past doesn't matter period".

by Anonymous 2 months ago