+44 Everyone should learn basic outdoor skills, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

And I'm more likely to use these skills than 90% of the stuff I learn in school .

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Here we go again

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Well I don't know anyone who's used make than very basic algebra in any field . Also what country are you in I want to go to your countries school system, school barley teaches me how to do research very very very basic and it's the stuff I learnt myself before I was taught it , school does not teach public speaking, school doesn't teach u to socialise it just makes a hub to be able to socialise , school never taught me how to respect people, school never taught me how to make my own decisions or how to figure out who I am as a person .

by Anonymous 4 months ago

literally every stem field uses algebra and/or calculus wtf are you talking about

by Anonymous 4 months ago


by Anonymous 4 months ago

Because they are useful

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I would agree that basic survival skills in the event you become lost while hiking or something would be useful. Starting a fire, building a basic lean-to, recognizing "clean" water vs stagnant, and some basic land navigation / determining direction with the sun are useful for anyone. But building a bow and arrow, trapping animals, etc. are probably above and beyond the needed skills for 99.9% of anyone in normal life.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yeah I agree with that a lot more than the people saying all the skills are useful. I forgot to say about water and navigation.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

useful for someone who barely leaves the house?

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Yes, because the 1 time a month we leave our homes, we need to.know how to navigate in the real world

by olen99 4 months ago

Changing a tire. Jumping a battery. Much more useful

by emardbrain 4 months ago

I agree but what I was saying about is important

by Anonymous 4 months ago

It can be. I agree

by emardbrain 4 months ago

I don't think this unpopular. I mean people don't talk about it a lot but wasn't aware of opposition to it. To me, it's a good idea. Also toss in everyone should learn basic car and home maintenance.

by Greedy-Mode 4 months ago

Agreed I'm a teen and my dad is starting to teach me, survival , vehicle maintenance (motorbike, push bike , car ) and house maintenance (not as much as the other 2 )

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Navigation, important , making a fire ,good for camping and when at parties or having a party etc, for the other stuff true

by Anonymous 4 months ago

How deep into navigation is basic? Sun set in west and is to the south in the northern hemisphere? Or more?

by clarkin 4 months ago

Pretty much stuff like where the sun sets and rises, where the big dipper and the southern cross are (depending on which hemisphere your in), and how to read a map also understand using signs to find your way

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Ok, I agree and guess I know some basics, lol. Think I'll be long dead before the next ice age though.

by clarkin 4 months ago

True , but never say never . It'd be sod's law it'd happen if you say if won't

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Had to look up Sods law. High confidence I'll be gone before the next ice age. Hope I didn't jinx it

by clarkin 4 months ago

Yeah I'm guessing ur not from the UK, it's a UK phrase. Yeah let's hope no one jinx it.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I fully agree. I also own camping cutlery. Not for "survival", but mainly for not needing to worry about watermarked cutlery in restaurants.

by Pale_Picture_85 4 months ago

I don't want to sleep in a forest, thus I don't need to

by Anonymous 4 months ago

But they are good skills and they teach you stuff to help in other ways

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Hmmm. I'm torn. I want to agree with you, but there's also no point. I hate to break it to you, but a zombie apocalypse isn't going to happen. The most likely "doomsday" scenario is a slow societal collapse that you'll have tons of time to prepare for. Maybe nuclear war, but there's no surviving that so no point in even worrying about it. The vast majority of civilization doesn't need basic survival skills, so it's mostly a waste of time to learn them.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I wasn't saying exactly a zombie apocalypse I was just saying that as an example , that's why I also said in brackets about an ice age . So pretty much an ice age (or the equivalent for a hot version), other types of apocalypse or a zombie one

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If I'm in a zombie apocalypse I'll be the first to turn myself into zombie meal.

by Framitriston 4 months ago

I wasn't only meaning a zombie apocalypse (obvious by what was in the brackets), anything like a ice age (or the warm version of it), another type of apocalypse, break down of society etc etc etc

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I would be the first one to give up on that as well

by Framitriston 4 months ago

Fair point

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'm pretty sure anyone who traps an animal with a snare where I live would be charged with animal cruelty.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Depending on where u are, in northern England it's fine, trapping rabbits is probs OK, defo in Scotland, but bird shooting is only aloud at certain times of year

by Anonymous 4 months ago

If the apocalypse happens, I have no desire to stay alive, nor for my family to. Survival is not a moral obligation, nor is propagation of humanity.

by Anonymous 4 months ago

I'd love to live in a world without society. Also I wasn't meaning exactly an apocalypse I was just using that as an example, something like an ice age (or the opposite of that) , falling of society, apocalypse etc etc

by Anonymous 4 months ago

Maybe for men sure

by Anonymous 4 months ago