+19 I'm already sick of hearing about how few trick or treaters you got this year, amirite?

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

Some of yall are so damn miserable for kicks.

by Rileyconnelly 3 hours ago

I haven't had a trick or treater (or anyone) knock on my door in 25 years. Living in the woods is nice.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

Yep, username checks out. How can use the internet if you're a Buffalo? I'm curious lol

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

No, the buffalo are in cahoots with me. We have a whole system worked out. They stampede the local farms causing a distraction while I snag the veggies. Then we feast.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

🤣🤣🤣🤣 That's good!!!!

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

How are people already complaining? It's the 21st

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Obviously they are from the future and came back to let is know.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

My uncle has already started complaining about how "people celebrate all the holidays except Christmas" -an irony that makes me scream

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

I felt this way about Trunk or Treating until someone pointed out that it's great for families living in sparsely populated rural areas. So now I feel like it shouldn't replace trick or treating, but it's a great alternative to no candy.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

What the hell is trunk or treating??

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Everyone brings their car to a church parking lot and gives candy out of their trunk. Kids go car to car in a brightly lit parking lot. it is usually done the weekend before Halloween. It's safe, convenient, but boring and misses out of the point of being out in your neighborhood on Halloween.

by Practical-Muscle 1 hour ago

That sounds terrible. I've never heard of that in the U.K.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

I get a ton of trick or treaters

by Upper-Divide 54 minutes ago

Same. We start buying sweets in September to make sure we have enough without having to buy it all in one go and spend a fortune.

by Visible-Product8524 29 minutes ago

Pro tip. Candy chute. If you have too much, just dump it all down the chute on some poor kid late in the evening. No backsies.

by Anonymous 20 minutes ago