+31 Best weapon against school shootings are teachers that actually take the time to connect with their students. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

I think you mean the parents not even knowing or trying to connect with their children. Every time these parents are interviewed, they're just the shirtless parents I've ever seen.

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

Hey man sometimes it's hot out and I don't want to wear a shirt

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

Autocorrect has defeated me once again.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

it's the parents/guns. teachers have nothing to do with this.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

In way too many cases the parents aren't involved so in a way you are correct.

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

That's the point. If the parents aren't involved, it doesn't become the teachers job to raise the kid. It's still the parents fault. There is no passing the blame here. More parents need to face prison for the crimes of their children.

by kingbethany 3 hours ago

Get the F outta here with that. I am not a teacher, I have no teachers in my family, I have no emotional connection to a teacher, but they are some of the last people to blame for this issue and the scapegoat for too many ridiculous things. WTF is wrong with the parents for this to happen? I love the fact that a dad is currently facing prison time because of his son shooting up a school. They are the only one's in a position to do anything about it. I can't discipline, raise, or pass your values on to your kid for you from a legal or ethical standpoint. They aren't my kid.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Although I don't necessarily agree with OP, they never say teachers are to blame, read again

by armandbarrows 2 hours ago

Yeah but you can't change parents through public policy and spending, the cycle has to cut from the point of most control. Obviously guns are to blame too, but the place of blame is often not the same as the place of the solution.

by armandbarrows 2 hours ago

"Yeah but you can't change parents through public policy" I hear that, but they shouldn't be left off the hook either. From a legal standpoint a kid has no agency. A parent is legally responsible for them. A kid doesn't just wake up one day and decide to do something like that at random. It's been years of going down a bad path and the only people responsible for them not caring enough to notice and or do something about it. Who are their friends? how are they doing emotionally and mentally? What are their interests? How do they spend their free time? What kind of s*** do they have in their room for Christ's sake? To me those are very normal basic questions.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Language doesn't work like that.

by armandbarrows 1 hour ago

Sure, whatever you say

by dena82 1 hour ago

Welcome to Australia

by dena82 1 hour ago

Money's on don't care. If they cared they would connect. They would make time.

by Lewmoen 1 hour ago

I can't argue that. I just think we should make it their problem and not a societal problem. Up until a certain age it's illegal to not have your kids in school. Social services and law enforcement will show up at your house, so we acknowledge some parents are crap and have rules in place to deal with it. When your kid does something as insane as a mass shooting I think you should suffer consequences. If nothing else it might make deadbeat parents care enough to try to cover their own ass.

by Anonymous 55 minutes ago

You obviously overestimate many many many parents. Many of these shooters fit a profile of being literally tortured in school. The term "bullying" belittles what happens to many children and is an inappropriate accounting of what their lives are like while in the care of schools.

by Ok-Math 39 minutes ago

Overestimate? It's your fuc*ing purpose in life as a parent. Ask your kid how things are going. Get involved. What decent parent knows their kid is getting beat up at school and does nothing about it?

by Anonymous 36 minutes ago

Big fan of actually having secure entry doors to keep bad actors ou. Not going to always work. But definitely would have in some scenarios. Or at least bought some time

by Gutkowskikayla 17 minutes ago