+19 Adults should get to trick or treat too, amirite?

by Dixie80 4 hours ago

and best of all, get CANDY! Little perk of adulthood, you can get candy any time at a store!

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

The candy is a bonus, I think OP is looking for community.

by Theo20 3 hours ago

They actually do have adult trick or treating but it isn't available everywhere. However, instead of candy, it's booze. I've experienced quite a few homes where the hosts will offer an adult beverage like a frozen margarita, daiquiri, crown and coke, etc.

by AloneGur 3 hours ago

Where is this fantasyland you speak of? ❤️

by Ill_Firefighter_3550 3 hours ago

This can be immediately solved by giving out candy. You can still dress up, in fact, it's almost a requirement. You can also decorate your house, which you can't really do as a kid. This can even win you major points with your neighbors if you really go for it. Your place could be the place kids look forward to going to each year. You can buy candy now with your grown up money, and give away a bunch to help keep the holiday alive for the next generation. Just buy an extra bag for yourself as a personal reward. You'll still meet tons of neighbors (parents of the kids and the kids themselves), because they'll be coming to your house for the aforementioned candy. It can be a great nice breaker for introducing yourself and showing your neighbors you are a friendly person.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

It's because we're supposed to shell out money to go to those Halloween events. Or, if you have friends unlike me, you get invited to their Halloween parties. It is sad and lonely, I wish adulthood was easier. Though, I don't think we should take over the kids thing, either. I know some adults I wouldn't want trick or treating around my kid if I had one.

by Theo20 2 hours ago

As an adult I get together with a small group of friends. We dress up, take silly photos, watch Halloween classics, eat pizza and pass out candy. We keep a bag or two to divide up amongst ourselves (we have a great match up of who likes what. I get all the yellow starbursts because no one else likes them.) Then after the throngs outside have died down a bit we wander around and look at all the decorations. It's basically all the fun of my Halloween trick-or-treating childhood, probably more so, tbh. I feel like a lot of adults fall into the trap of either do nothing, or go to some expensive/ drinking focused party. There are other options though, get creative!

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Adults have Halloween parties.

by Anonymous 2 hours ago

Yeah. And I wish Santa and the Easter Bunny would keep visiting me.

by Dickicharlie 1 hour ago

I have one policy when it comes to Halloween. If you come to my house, aren't acting like an asshole, and have a costume? I will happily give you candy. I don't care how old you are. I fully agree that given all the problems in the world today, we need to bring more fun and imagination and getting outside away from screens in our lives. Would rather teenagers go out trick or treating on Halloween than drinking, doing drugs, getting into trouble, etc.

by Jerome35 1 hour ago

I give candy to anyone who shows up at my house with a costume on, IDC how old you are, so come on over friend, we bought full size candy bars this year! Don't let anyone steal your joy, grab a like minded friend, wear a costume and hit the streets.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

I agree with Larry David.

by Anonymous 1 hour ago

Go to work and a party dressed up, and buy all the candy you want!

by Anonymous 59 minutes ago

I typically have two types of interactions with my neighbors. I either gotta make quick meaningless small talk (I find this unpleasant), or I have to accept that we're gonna be chatting for a few hours (who's got time for that?) maybe I'm just antisocial, but i'm not gonna go knocking on my neighbor's doors for candy and run the risk of having to interact with them. If I want candy, I'll just buy it.

by Anonymous 55 minutes ago

asocial not antisocial

by Wide-Pen-7080 26 minutes ago