+18 The fast lane isn't there to facilitate your criminal speeding, amirite?

by Jealous-Addendum 1 month ago

even a cop will tell you, if someone is behind you in the passing lane and nobody is on your right you have to move over, doesn't matter if the person behind you is speeding or wants to go 200 mph

by Maye49 1 month ago

It's actually the law in a few states

by Intrepid-Resort 1 month ago

In most states now a days

by Maximum_Yak6474 1 month ago

Just move over and let them be stupid.

by Minimum_Refuse 1 month ago

Every state in the U.S. except South Dakota has laws that essentially prohibit slower driving in the left lane. People do, in fact, usually have a legal obligation to move over. Logic fail.

by eliza06 1 month ago

Grandma got run over by a reindeer!

by OppositeJuice 1 month ago

Depends what states you're in lol. In Texas even the sheriffs go 85 in the left lane.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

We all know police are above the law

by Jealous-Addendum 1 month ago

I generally go + 10-20 in the left lane on an interstate or similar. I've never had any trouble doing this.

by Rare_Dragonfruit5345 1 month ago

Why do you care? I find it mind-boggling that people would rather have someone tailgating them for miles than move over to let them pass. OP is probably the type of driver who refuses to move over and then speeds up when the car behind them gets an opportunity to pass them on the right. Just let the other car pass, and you'll never see them again.

by Anonymous 1 month ago