-30 Its honestly sad when people are obsessed with animals. amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

It's the humanification of animals that creeps me out like calling them your children or putting costumes on them. Nothing wrong with having a strong bond with your animals, nothing even wrong with having a stronger bond with your animals over other people, even family members, but when you start stripping away their essence as animals and start assigning them exclusively human traits, is when it starts to get weird.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Putting costumes on them is amusing but I agree with the calling them your children bit.

by AcrobaticSentence 1 month ago

Animals are innocent. The wild ones only "attack" because they have to eat, or defend themselves. Some people, not so much.

by Jesse75 1 month ago

Wow! Definitely unpopular. I checked with my cat and she also agrees.

by Party-Will 1 month ago

Don't know why you think you're so much better than a dog but you're not. In a life and death situation I would choose to save certain people over others and some animals over others. It pretty much depends on how much I've bonded with you and I've bonded with my cat more than I have with you so cat comes first.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I prefer dogs to humans, they're more trustworthy...

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Some people forget that animals are animals

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Some people forget humans are animals.

by Maximum_Exit_9401 1 month ago

True, but I will not obsess over animals. Plus it's not like I am a vegan.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Meaning that animals and humans are different. Some people put animals before humans not realizing that we are different. It's like when people say fur baby, even though it's just a cat or dog.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I don't see it that way, tbh. We are the reason that animal don't have a lot of natural habitats left, the reason why animals are mass slaughtered, we are responsible for many species going extinct. And what do you mean by "they value pets more than ppl"? To what extend? Of course my cats are more important to me than some stranger, that doesn't mean I wouldn't help a stranger if needed. I feel like your the one that was hurt because someone decided that their pet was more important than you? Not to be mean, but I never had someone that actively chose their pet over me.

by Anonymous 1 month ago