+39 Constantly being advised to not get stuck in a comfort zone can be disadvantageous, amirite?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I agree. If your idea of success in life is a simple, ritualistic, sustainable, comfortable existence, then that's okay. In fact, it is better than the alternative: greed feeding. Everyone having the goal to be rich, famous, etc, just sets up a majority of people to be dissatisfied and disappointed in their lives. Because not everyone will, or can, achieve those things. You're still a real person doing things you love, even if only a few people see it. Even if NO ONE sees it.

by Due_Independent_3101 1 month ago

That is why no one will remember your name.

by Russ79 1 month ago

eventually everyone is forgotten, it's really not any different

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Tell that to Ea-Nasir, dude probably wishes he was forgotten

by HandleOdd2350 1 month ago

i really don't care about that

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Is that a bad thing?

by Rbuckridge 1 month ago

Never staying in a comfort zone, moving constantly toward a goal, and dreaming big all sound like hustle culture platitudes. However, I think there is something to it in a small sense. Don't get too comfortable: Getting too comfy leads to stagnation and regression of mental and emotional capacities. Exploring outside your comfort is healthy and helps strengthen and expand your comfort zone. Move toward a goal: Having a goal in mind helps focus a lot of actions and decisions into a singular path forward. The goal doesn't need to be grandiose or short term. Something simple like "a loving family of my own" or "being involved in my community" that don't require time limits. The goal can be anything you want to be in a future state of yourself, and doesn't need to involve increasing your worth to others or society. Dream big(ger): Having dreams of big things can feel crushing and insurmountable. It's better to dream bigger than yourself. Back to the idea of goals, a dream bigger than you could be to have a more cohesive local community. It's a dream that's very attainable, is bigger than just you, but won't be so large as to only remain a dream.

by HandleOdd2350 1 month ago