+29 Life is too short to watch the same film twice, amirite?

by dickensearnest 1 month ago

Scumlords unite!!!!!!!! ARE YOU NOT ENTERTAINED!!!!

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I was not entertained… am I stupid?

by Cronanicholas 1 month ago


by Anonymous 1 month ago

"Yeah but MY pastime is different!!!1!1"

by Available-Stick 1 month ago

I don't see the problem, if it is something you like, then why is it a waste to do it again? By that logic, wouldn't eating the same thing also be a waste?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

If it's a film you love and enjoy, why not?

by Anonymous 1 month ago

Life it to short to care what other people think. If i want to watch a movie or tv show more than once, i will do that. And also nobody is forcing you to watch a movie twice.

by Keithfeil 1 month ago

I think the validity of your statement depends on the type of movie, if its one that provokes an emotional response then sometimes it can be really cool to watch this years later when you're in a different place in your life and it might affect you differently. Watching some superhero movie a second time, meh pointless.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

More power to you, but I doubt you're life is exactly hyper optimized in every other way. I expect you probably "waste" your time in some ways, because everyone does. Way I see it, if you enjoy the movie on rewatch, it isn't a waste.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

*reading this while watching American dad for the 10th time

by Anonymous 1 month ago

The best movies are more enjoyable the second/third time you watch them.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I understand the constant rewatching of the same few movies over and over again as I watch a lot of movie and only maybe like 2% of them are rewatches since there's so much out there I want to see. However, really excellent movies usually require rewatches to get a full grasp on what the movie is trying to say. You'll have a movie like Stalker(1979) and it's so dense with meaning and philosophy that watching it once doesn't really scratch the surface. Then you'll have an average Marvel movie where one watch is good enough to get all the information. Those rewatches on "better" movies usually have you coming out with different or expanded upon ideas, you're probably not really getting the exact same experience the second time around even if the actual movie hasn't changed at all.

by Anonymous 1 month ago

My mom can be like that sometimes too

by Anonymous 1 month ago

I only recently began to feel somewhat like this in my 40s. When I was young, I would watch a movie I loved multiple times. I've even watched a movie 3x in a row when I was younger. As an older salty gentleman, I just don't have that kind of energy and enthusiasm anymore. We can make time for anything we enjoy in life though.

by Wise_Supermarket8933 1 month ago

This rule certainly doesn't apply to The matrix, Aliens or Terminator,2.

by Anonymous 1 month ago