I hate the theory of infinite universes, amirite?
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
That's not an opinion. That's just you not understanding a concept, which is ok.
by Anonymous4 months ago
I mean I somewhat understand the concept, buts it's impossible too make sense of it as the rules are never clear and ultimately would never work
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
You don't on any level understand the concept. You haven't begun approaching an understanding. That's ok tho, most scientists don't get it either. At best, 10% of physicists support multi-verse theory.
by dietrichbranson4 months ago
10 percent, honestly surprised its that high, would love to talk to them about it one day, would be informative as. I'm not even a scientific person, or academic for that matter but this is one of the true things I'm interested in.
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Just to help you simplify your understanding. Let's say we do in fact live in a computer simulation. And then let's say that the computer is running multiple simulations at the same time. Then there you have it multiple "dimensions" existing within that one computer system.
by Anonymous4 months ago
I think quantum computing would allow for infinite running universes, but I'm not totally sure about that. I'd have to research it somewhere. Just looked it up... It's a maybe.
by Anonymous4 months ago
I mean to run a singular universe you would need to do the harvesting of the sun energy thing, I forget what it's called, dyson sphere I think, there's a kurgeskat video all about it, fun watch That is if I remember it correctly
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Maybe that's what black holes do... harvest energy for other dimensions?? 🤔 Just looked it up... It's another maybe, but a probably not. I like to put things on a spectrum... Everything is possible since I can imagine it. But what it comes down to is it probable or improbable. I lean more towards a single universe that has an infinite present moment. But those are just my beliefs.
by Anonymous4 months ago
Ooh the theory of blackholes being portals to parallel universes is indeed a cool one, could have been activated from one person trying to travel and opened a blackhike between worlds, and since nothing can escape from it, it could be for instance black holes and white holes, they are one way doors
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
And now you have the start to a cool sci-fi movie... Imagination is so fun! Now you can work with AI and figure out the details of the rest of your movie... 😉
by Anonymous4 months ago
Ay, clever, gonna get an interstellar budget with this one
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Just wait till it goes sentient (if it's not already there), and it wants its own fair share to all the projects it's been involved in... 🤔 Ai will either want to rule us or cooperate with us... Boy, I really hope it wants to cooperate!
by Anonymous4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
It's hard to make the rules for something when we don't know how it works in the first place, there's probably no way to travel between universe's or there is a way and we just don't understand what that way is because we don't see much here. The fact no one ever travels here to our knowledge may mean there's just no tangible way to make a machine move your body mind and soul into another plane, or space or whatever you would call it.
by Anonymous4 months ago
Exactly, however it would also mean the possibility that there ISNT infinite universes, just one, we are the only universe that exists as if it were infinite, one person would find out how to travel
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Infinite is vast. If there is really infinite universes, all universes that are possible to exist do exist. We might just happen to be the universe where nobody ever discovers interdimensional travel and also the one that nobody ever travels to.
by Anonymous4 months ago
But then there's an infinite universes that sole purpose want to bring travel to all other universes, one would reach us and give us it, thus still causing the infinite people crushing us
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
No, not necessarily. As I said, all universes that can exist, do exist. Including one where no interdimensional traveler ever travels to. In fact it's not just one, it will be an infinite amount of universes that no interdimensional traveler ever travels to as well. :-)
by Anonymous4 months ago
I get it, of course that makes us a 1 in infinite, well you get what I mean, haha, that works, of course it feels unlikely but so does every other universe. Yeah this one makes total sense, simple and works
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
While mathematically correct, this concept is irrelevant to the discussion at hand. We can safely assume that the amount of universes will be uncountable infinite without loss of generality. :-)
by Anonymous4 months ago
I recall seeing a video on some infinites are larger then others, but this infinite universe has infinite branching off of it, creating more branches and sk forth
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
The idea of an infinite or parallel universe is basically a theory that tries to make sense of free will. Imagine you go to a restaurant on Christmas, 2024. If I could somehow replicate you exactly — every detail down to the molecule 1,000 times, would you order the same dish each time? In all 1000times, you got the same past experiences, same hunger level, and so on, you'd always pick the ribeye steak then the concept of infinite universes probably doesn't matter much to you. But here's the catch. If you'd always choose the same thing, does that mean you're not actually deciding? Are you choosing the steak, or is it the sum of past experiences and environmental factors choosing for you? If you're truly free to decide, then somewhere in another universe, you'd be ordering the roast salmon. And boom! That's how we got infinite universes theory so that there is a possibility of you ordering every single items from the menu. Why? Because we want to show that we are in control of our choice. And why it has to be infinite? Because, let's assume there are 1 millions combination on the menu you can order. And if you are really "free", you should be able to order in any combination. It has to be larger than any finite number in order to prove that you are truly free. Thus, infinite universes.
by Disastrous_Lynx60314 months ago
That... makes a lot of sense, that makes the concept of real life infinite parallel universes make sense on how it came to be, of course the movie and shows still have loopholes but it answered my opinion/question, thanks so much
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Hmm, but now i wonder if we dont actually have free will. Maybe the world isnt ready for that or something.
by Scared_Reporter4 months ago
We are definitely not ready. For example, our justice system is built on that we don't penalize people for something not in their control even if the outcome is bad. Like if your brake on car becomes faulty so you killed someone in an accident. It is not really your fault. If we don't have free will, that means all criminals are just unfortunate people who were getting stuck in a car with a bad brake. Not their fault if they can't choose to be good. And they are the ones who need help instead of penalty.
by Disastrous_Lynx60314 months ago
The concept of infinite is undefined... Doesn't mean that it exists doesn't mean that it doesn't exist, we just can't define it. I compare it to dividing by zero. Same goes for the concept of free will.
by Anonymous4 months ago
I get it too. The evidence for infinite universes feels like the equivalent of evidence from flat earthers. Not saying its not true, but a little bit too imaginative imo.
by Scared_Reporter4 months ago
Yes thank you! It just doesn't (on my opinion) scientifically work
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
Infinite universes does not mean infinite possibilies if all universes adhere to the same laws of nature. Like there's an infinite amount of numbers between 1 and 2, but none of them are 3. It might very well be true in our world that there are infinite universes, but it's simply not possible in any way to move between them. Just like it might simply be not possible in any way to go faster than the speed of light.
by Johnny694 months ago
I dislike multiverse in fiction because it devalues everything that happens in any single universe.
by No_Hovercraft65024 months ago
All possible universes also means there's necessarily a universe where only one Rick and Morty are ever present, and even a universe where no Rick and Morty are ever present. It isn't the case that every universe will have infinite Rick's invade it.
by Wolfrosemarie4 months ago
I always feel this concept is just an endless rabbithole with very few conclusions, many of the times its a, but, or what if or, there's a universes sole purpose is to do that and whatever, it's hard to understand the concept of infinity, as nobody can ever truly bask in it
by Comfortable_Leg2674 months ago
I mean it's just logic, if we have the premise that all possible universes exist then it necessarily and logically follows there would be universes that have no Rick and Morty's because that's one of the possible universes.
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by dietrichbranson 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Disastrous_Lynx6031 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Scared_Reporter 4 months ago
by Disastrous_Lynx6031 4 months ago
by Anonymous 4 months ago
by Scared_Reporter 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Johnny69 4 months ago
by No_Hovercraft6502 4 months ago
by Wolfrosemarie 4 months ago
by Comfortable_Leg267 4 months ago
by Wolfrosemarie 4 months ago