Genetics are the root cause of disease, not exposures, lifestyle and diet. amirite?
by Anonymous1 week ago
Genetics do ofc have an impact, but hasn't many studies also shown that there are a lot of other factors that can affect it too? Like how people who smoke have a way higher chance of getting cancer? And obese people have higher chance of getting a heart attack? So I would say it's a mix of them, neither one is the sole cause of it.
by Anonymous1 week ago
My two friends, radiation and free radicals, would like to have a word with you.
by Anonymous1 week ago
How does genetics explain the increases in many cancers, especially in younger people? As someone who has had cancer (no family history), I'm a firm believer in the environmental factors argument. I do however appreciate that cancer is incredibly complex and likely has multiple causes. I just don't think there is a strong argument for genetics being any more than a small contributory factor.
by Anonymous1 week ago
I would like to see data comparing the genetic makeup of individuals with cancer, as gene mutations accumulate over time (and over generations) and may be increasing the risk of cancer, even in younger people.
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago
by Anonymous 1 week ago