+27 We need more electrification in transportation. amirite?

by Anonymous 4 days ago

The best solution would be to make a carbon neutral fuel. I don't know if that would help anything or be cheaper, I just wanna hear vroom vroom noises well into the 2050s.

by Anonymous 4 days ago

Is the opinion unpopular? On it's own, not really? It's all the little things you glossed over that complicate people's opinions. They're all major problems unto themselves that have multiple solutions with varying Pros and Cons associated with them. Pros and Cons that affect different people and have their own major issues to solve. It's not that your opinion is wrong or unpopular. It's that it's sooooooooooooo surface level. It's like saying 'We need to be healthier" or "We should try not to get into conflicts with other countries over resources". Most folks won't disagree, but all the disagreement will happen on the priority of the steps towards it...and what we give up to get there.

by Anonymous 4 days ago