+25 You shouldn't be required to give a gift for a wedding if…. amirite?

by Anonymous 5 hours ago

You are not required to do so.

by ChartProfessional982 4 hours ago

It's like saying ur not required to tip

by Anonymous 4 hours ago

Your not required to tip.

by ChartProfessional982 4 hours ago

But people act as if you are, and that can really suck sometimes when you have to deal with the fallout. People lose their minds when it comes to weddings. It's not even a 'Bridezilla' thing (I actually hate the term) but the groom, whole wedding party, family, extended family. It's like you only truly know a person once you've been in their orbit when a wedding is involved.

by Koeppblair 4 hours ago

You are still not required to do so - you just have to deal with whatever repercussions if you do not.

by ChartProfessional982 3 hours ago

I would not give a gift if I wasn't going 😂 Unless they were extremely close friend or family

by Anonymous 3 hours ago

Just dont go…like wtf

by SuspiciousBlood282 3 hours ago

My presence is a gift in itself

by Anonymous 3 hours ago