+42 Service workers are becoming the entitled ones. amirite?

by Lily95 2 weeks ago

Absolutely. Maybe it's my area, but I am never met with the kind of interaction that the OP talks about. Hell- the other day at Walmart, the deli guy was really tired and struggling. I told him I'd stand there like I was being helped if he needed a nap. I would cover for him. He did not take me up on it, but it did make him a little more chipper.

by Wide_Calligrapher250 2 weeks ago

i'm respectful but i'm not smiling

by Domingo35 2 weeks ago

Crackheads run BBQ places?

by ExplanationMean6126 2 weeks ago

Yeah and the owner needs their friggin money.

by Extension_Ladder7053 2 weeks ago

It's not an excuse. It's just the reality. Overworked, burnt out employees who can't pay their bills are not going to be in a good mood at work. That's just how it is. Moralizing and ringing your hands doesn't change it.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

Being in a good mood and treating people badly isnt the same thing, We dont need long winded excuses because there's honestly no excuse to treat random people bad based on your mood. You are not the main character.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

That relates back to treating them how they deserve to be treated. A little old lady asking for mini wheats doesn't deserve the same smoke as a Karen berating a worker.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I have main character syndrome because I treat people like they deserve to be treated? Right.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

No you have main character syndrome because you knowingly choose to patronize businesses that underpay their workers and treat them like crap, yet think that that should never affect YOU and the employees should always be friendly to you in spite of it.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

I just said they should treat people appropriately. That's common sense. You can't run around being rude to everyone over a bad day. That's called entitlement.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So why wouldn't the workers just follow the same advice? Asking for stuff at a store you work at isn't a big deal no? You work there

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's okay to get a little bit frustrated that people are in your way when you're trying to do your job. It's not a big deal. It's just called being a human being! Y'all have such a low tolerance from what y'all expect from service industry workers. You act like just because they're at work, they're not allowed to be human like the rest of us. That's the entitlement. That's the main character syndrome.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

There is a certain point at which burnt out exceeds all ability to emotionally regulate. It is not a skill to emotionally regulate yourself out of being exploited and incapable of paying your bills. "I know you're facing eviction, but have you tried emotionally regulating?" Lmao grow up

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

Have you considered the possibility that maybe you're kind of annoying and unlikable? I don't have service industry workers constantly being rude to me everywhere I go. Sounds like you're the common denominator.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

Yes, sometimes life is unfair, like overworked and underpaid service industry workers being a little rude to you. Suck it up and deal with it!

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

I had a bunch of stoners order 100 tacos like 20 minutes before closing and yet they were still treated politely lol. I reserved being a dick for the void of my workspace after making sure the mic was off lol

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Your experience doesn't speak for everyone else. You have no idea what people are dealing with. Some people are working two crappy jobs. Some people have kids to take care of. Some people might have had a family member just die and not be able to miss work. They might be sick at work. Seriously, it's not that hard to understand that everyone has bad days. This is something we apply to almost every stranger we encounter, but for some reason doesn't apply to customer service workers and they're supposed to perform endless emotional labor and always fake being happy for us. That's absurd. I will die on this hill.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

Lol not a hyper individualist at all but go off dude. So it's your fault for going to McDonalds but not their fault for working at one? Sometimes people need cheap and fast food. Weird how you only ascribe blame to one side of the equation getting something they may need

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

So how does treating the customer bad makeup for it? This is why customers are rude af too . I refuse to spend my money somewhere the workers are rude af. Go get an education and maybe they won't have to stock shelves and be a poor bitter broke person about it. Signed a low paid Amazon driver.

by axelschulist 2 weeks ago

This is exactly what the board room members want you to think while they contemplate their next yachting vacation.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago


by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I see they have you right where they want. That's why they do it. Cause it works and you're living proof 😆

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You're delusional you know that right, or maybe big grocery just has me in their back pocket.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You can call me whatever you want but boy oh they do have you right where they want. They have you bitching about anybody but them. This is a real tactic used by C-suites in every business on the planet.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

You called me delusional like you know anything about me? Nothing I wrote has anything to do with how you feel about anything. Just about what you typed. Honestly.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

The in store shoppers (the ones who pick the products for online orders) are the absolute worst. They don't even try to peacefully coexist with others in the store who doing their own shopping and they are rude AF. And God help you if you ask them where to find a certain product. They really get annoyed by that. Hey, if you're wearing a vest with the store logo on it, then you work there and should treat paying customers properly.

by External_Bicycle2735 2 weeks ago

in my case if it's something i don't care about or never heard of then i don't know where it is. if i don't care about something i usually just ignore its existence

by Domingo35 2 weeks ago

The problem is grocery stores are owned by trash companies

by Mountain-Stick 2 weeks ago

How tf am I supposed to know what some random restaurant pays its workers? I always tip 20% at least no matter what

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

If you were doing their job you would be rude to customers on occasion as well. You're not better than anyone else.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

I didn't intend to imply that I was. I've been alive for long enough to have plenty of interactions that I'm embarrassed by. However, there's a difference between an off day and just being full on rude. Plenty of people have horrible lives without taking it out on the people around them. Emotional regulation is a basic skill. Yes, obviously, we are only human and we make mistakes. But if that happens, just take a breath and apologize.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I know you're going to sit here and try to save face and nurture your ego by pretending you have never been "full on rude" to a stranger in your life. No one's buying it.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

Go back and reread what I just wrote.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I read it, pookie. Emotional regulation means being able to deal with your little wage slaves having an attitude now and then. Not the end of the world.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

My goal is to treat others as I'd wish to be treated. When I ask politely to get something off a shelf, I rarely get rude responses.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

This sounds like you're doing something to make them roll their eyes that you're not telling us

by sanfordhilma 2 weeks ago

Tip them less if they act like that.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

Everything got worse after COVID. Customers are awful now.

by murraylelah 2 weeks ago

A lot depends on where you live. In our town, the workers are friendly and helpful.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

It's not worth it to go out anymore. Everything is overpriced; the food sucks and the service culture has been over since covid.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I've noticed younger people have 0 sense of urgency lol why u moving like a sloth and u have a line? It amuses me.

by Automatic-Alarm 2 weeks ago

Tell me you've never worked in the service industry without telling me.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago

I don't go out anymore. Can't afford it. And, if and when? It will probably be a delivery. Although, I love the food. Delivery is what I really need.

by Anonymous 2 weeks ago