Eugenics is terrible, buttttt allergies should be eradicated. amirite?
by Laurettahaley2 weeks ago
Allergies aren't always genetic. I'm the only person in my family with hay fever and a Peanut allergy
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
My husband developed a ton of serious allergies in his late 20's. None of his family has any allergies. Eugenics isn't the answer here.
by adamsglen2 weeks ago
Wait. Shouldn't we at least try eugenics before we say it doesn't work? LOL.
by Low_Earth_89842 weeks ago
Allergies can also be brought on by environmental factors, which is why you see them more in clean, developed countries.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Yep, in the only one in my family with a cat allergy and an allergy to every single type of grass pollen.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
It gets tricky when someone else mandates that you cannot have kids. But if you yourself want to make the personal choice to not have kids because of your allergies, you are free to do so.
by jenifer722 weeks ago
I agree. Butt allergies should be eradicated. Who wants to be allergic to butts? NOBODY! That's who.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
As a gay man, I agree.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Allergies can change over time. Some you keep for life, others for a few years. Still unpopular but a lot less practical to cleanse the gene pool.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Environment has too much hand in this so it isn't possible.
by berenicenolan2 weeks ago
Good idea, destroy the environment.
by Signal-Sky22452 weeks ago
We are already years ahead on doing that.
by berenicenolan2 weeks ago
Unpopular opinion but eugenic will come back with majority support in the future.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
we're not going to start living off the earth for thousands of years, If ever
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Allergies can develop based on what you have or not have been exposed to as a child or viruses you've had since then. It isn't just genetics.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Okay, so don't have kids???
by RightBuilding96332 weeks ago
not always genetic fairly certain there are worse genetic conditions that would be great to eradicate?
by Past_Blueberry49482 weeks ago
This is actually a perfect example of why eugenics is a bad idea. Allergies aren't necessarily caused by genetics. Most likely they're caused by a combination of environmental factors that improve or worsen over time. Not understanding the cause of the thing you're trying to breed out of the population, or not understanding the consequence of successfully breeding something out, is the hidden real reason we don't practice eugenics. If you bred sickle cell anemia out of the population you's also eradicate the recessive gene that gives a significant portion of the population of west africa a very effective resistance to Malaria.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Easiest and cheapest beer to make yourself. Just throw some ginger, sugar and some lemons water, and then yeast. You can use Vegemite for yeast if you're short and want that aussie taste 😋 Plus, you can brew with flavour profiles that align with ginger foods, like: - gingerbread (add nutmeg, cinnamon etc). Great for Christmas. - Thai (chilli, keffir lime leaves) - honey instead of sugar (ginger mead) - ginger, rhubarb and vanilla.
by brennon012 weeks ago
tell me you know nothing about allergies without telling me you know nothing about allergies.
by According_Doubt2 weeks ago
This is not how allergies work, many of them are acquired
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Impossible for the same reason any eugenics program is impossible. Very few genes are only responsible for one trait. For example, the same gene responsible for poor eyesight plays a role in intelligence. You can't get rid of the genes responsible for allergies without affecting other traits as well
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Allergies aren't necessarily genetic. There is however evidence of allergies being more prominant in elder siblings. Guess people would need to pump out multiple kids to continue the human race?
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Wait so are you volunteering for sterilization here?
by Regular_Apartment2352 weeks ago
Hot take eugenics isn't that bad. Imagine we could breed out cancer, etc. lot more likely than a "cure".
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Fun fact sickle cell actually increases your chances of surviving malaria, that's why it has a higher prevalence in areas where malaria is common.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
I can tell you have zero understanding of what cancer is.
by leuschkemeta2 weeks ago
If sharks have a resistance to cancer, then it's something that can be genetically gained. You are clearly tilted.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
Allergies aren't always genetic. Some allergies can be cured, and some develop out of nowhere. Eugenics isn't going to help here
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by adamsglen 2 weeks ago
by Low_Earth_8984 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by jenifer72 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by berenicenolan 2 weeks ago
by Signal-Sky2245 2 weeks ago
by berenicenolan 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by RightBuilding9633 2 weeks ago
by Past_Blueberry4948 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by brennon01 2 weeks ago
by According_Doubt 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Regular_Apartment235 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by leuschkemeta 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago