Apple does not care about the enviroment, amirite?
by Ornery_Employment6942 weeks ago
This is not unpopular. Apple, put chargers back in the box
by Johann602 weeks ago
I would be rather alarmed at people's stupidity if this was actually an unpopular opinion.
by Cassandreleanno2 weeks ago
I would love to see the percent of users who change phones every year without their old phones being reused or recycled. I'd guess it's minuscule. It's one thing to waste resources and another just to set money on fire. I doubt a longer release cycle would change much here.
by Famous_Beautiful2 weeks ago
You can say that for any phone company. They all release every year.
by gladys642 weeks ago
yeah... apple is far from the only bad actor here. the entire cell phone industry is guilty of this.
by Dubuqueluis2 weeks ago
Yes But Apple goes around saying they care about the environment. I don't see Xiaomi saying the same
by Ornery_Employment6942 weeks ago
apple does make some effort in that area. sure, it's hardly enough to even offset the manufacturing, but it's better than nothing for a company of that size.
by Dubuqueluis2 weeks ago
Thisnt an unpopular opinion lol
by Impressive-Book86422 weeks ago
apple doesn't care about the environment, the slave labor being used to make it's products, it's consumers.... none of it.
by OneBarracuda47282 weeks ago
If instead of realising a phone every year you would release every two years. You would have half the phones in circulation across 10 years.
by Ornery_Employment6942 weeks ago
Of course they don't. And neither do consumers. If we're being honest, and if we're really looking for who to blame for environmental destruction, all we need to do is find the nearest mirror.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
sure, kind of. although blaming individuals for systemic problems is rarely useful.
by Relevant-Row2 weeks ago
Yes, but thats another discussion. People would go and buy another brand of phone. But at least you (Apple as a company) would not be responsible for those phones. I am not arguing about whose responsible for this either, my point is that the "We do care about the enviroment" from Apple is a marketing stunt from them.
by Ornery_Employment6942 weeks ago
If this is unpopular we're all wasting air
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
You don't need to buy a phone every year…..but if you need a phone, why not have the ability to get an updated phone?
by loisstracke2 weeks ago
When any kind of industrial company cares about the environment it is for PR's sake.
by Beautiful_Climate2 weeks ago
I hate apple but I have to say you're a bit wrong, the userbase is the ones at fault here, sometimes. Just watch roussman group on youtube
by zemlakamy2 weeks ago
Lol, really?
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
according to apple
by Relevant-Row2 weeks ago
Lol sure. Could you point me to the reports that Apple is lying about this? Seems like a huge conspiracy if true.
by Anonymous2 weeks ago
you first. you're the one who wants to believe them for some reason.
by Johann60 2 weeks ago
by Cassandreleanno 2 weeks ago
by Famous_Beautiful 2 weeks ago
by gladys64 2 weeks ago
by Dubuqueluis 2 weeks ago
by Ornery_Employment694 2 weeks ago
by Dubuqueluis 2 weeks ago
by Impressive-Book8642 2 weeks ago
by OneBarracuda4728 2 weeks ago
by Ornery_Employment694 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Relevant-Row 2 weeks ago
by Ornery_Employment694 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by loisstracke 2 weeks ago
by Beautiful_Climate 2 weeks ago
by zemlakamy 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Relevant-Row 2 weeks ago
by Anonymous 2 weeks ago
by Relevant-Row 2 weeks ago