+52 Normally girls are attracted to bad boys thinking "I can change him" this time all of a America is like no girl, we like him just how he is! amirite?

by marina01 2 weeks ago

No. They still want to change him from an outlaw into their family man. Women just want the man everyone is paying attention to. Doesn't hurt he's rich and from Hawaii.

by Consistent_Dust 2 weeks ago

I don't want to change him into anything. I hope he's allowed to contribute to sperm banks so there can still be more like him in this world.

by Aggressive-Issue 2 weeks ago

Also doesn't hurt that he's got a strong brow and jaw and is an academic genius and a hot body and a beautiful smile.

by Aggressive-Issue 2 weeks ago

Yeah, it shows how depraved our society has become.

by Abbigail47 2 weeks ago